~Hello UM users~


clever vicious circle
Aug 7, 2006
Yeah, yeah, we all know I'm new, aren't we all who post here! So let's get down to it. :OMG: I'm here to rock on and meet people of the same persuasion. I just stared playing bass for CVC, a band that I've been more or less a glorified groupy for the past 10 years. Thank GOD they finally started playing outside of my garage, seriously they have come ALONG way both musically and talent wise. It's finally something I wanted to put my talents into the mix as well. Patience is a virtue that has paid off for me:headbang:
Anywho, check us out if your so inclined, www.myspace.com/cleverviciouscircle I know, the dreaded myspace crap, don't sweat it, it's all changin' soon and anyway what else do you expect, it's free and we're poor musicians for godsake's. So have a great one, I am hoping to meet alot of you soon............lookin forward to using all these silly smilies :lol: Peace!
Nemesis_lxix said:
Welcome to um mate !
The tunes are good but the sound quality kills the songs !

I also noticed that all your mysoace friends are chicks…
Hey, we've changed up the site, will be putting new songs on this weekend, hopefully. Anyway, I know their almost all chicks, man, I've just begun with these guys and they like girls. :) Thanks for looking at our site, come back soon.