

Houses Ov Mercury
Jan 20, 2004
Dracut, MA
What's up everyone?

I'm Andy, 14 years old, 1 year into metal. My favorite genre is brutal death/grind, and some of my favorite bands are Alienation Mental, Lykathea Aflame, Aborted, Decapitated, Pyaemia, Disavowed, Mithras, Dripping, Wormed, Vomit Remnants, and Intestine Baalism, just to name a few. My AIM s/n is Gorefisted and my SoulSeek name is Requiem In Stasis. Feel free to contact me either way. Currently looking for good avatars/sigs. Talk to you on the boards.
Welcome to the board.I like to turn people on to new grind bands.If you know of some let me know cause I`m always into new stuff.If you`d like to hear some brutal grind check out DISCORDANCE AXIS.They`re from NJ( now defunct)& released a killer album called THE INALIENABLE DREAMLESS from Hydrahead Records(which is a label from Mass. if I`m correct.Let me know what you think.You shan`t be disappointed.