
It's been pretty much this for years. Strange phenomenon. More people are online more than ever. Is there even a link to this board from the official Anthrax page?? If not, that would explain a lot. I recall the day of yore whence if you didn't look on this page for two or three days, you'd be completely out of the loop and have tons of "catching up" to do. No more no more.
Wow...what a relieve.

Why don't we post a link to this place on their FB...shall we...Lets do it now!!
Ok..let see what will happen next....zzzzzzzz
There's something like 1.3 million likes on FB so that's a good idea. I guess there's not a lot happening in camp Anthrax right at the minute so the lack of activity here is going to happen I guess.

I'm still here...but it's been pretty much the worst summer of my life, so I just don't have anything to say. As we all know, sometimes life fucking sucks. (/emo)
Thanks guys. I'm fine, I just get really depressed at times. I spend 9 months a year waiting for the summer - then everything turns to shit and nothing goes my way. It's hard to handle right now, but I'll come back stronger. One who never falls never gets up.