Hellraiser into Krank Rev Test


Krank it UP!
Sep 3, 2006
Victoria, Australia
Well I finally bought a Hellraiser. It is a nice guitar to play although it has quite a darker sound than my alder-bodied guitars, so I am still getting used to this. However, a big plus is that it is also much full-bodied sounding than my other guitars which makes me quite happy :) . Anyway, as some of you may know, I am trying to record all our original songs my mates and I used to play when we were back in school. Here is a snippet of a song written about 18 years ago, yes 18 years ago :lol: . I have been working on other songs a lot more than this one, but for a change of pace I decided to work on a mellower song and just made this 1 minute backing track and tested out the Hellraiser over it. It is just drums and guitars, no bass or vocals.

Guitars are only double-tracked and I have only 50/12k filtered and boosted them @8k for a bit of presence. I think that they turned out pretty full for only double-tracking.

My main aim here is Guitar tone. The drums will be an actual kit once the songs are properly recorded (when I get a better grip on recording/mixing, etc, whenever that may be :lol: ) Any feedback on the Guitar Tone would be appreciated. Remember it's an 18 year old song so don't expect the latest Devildriver :lol: .

Thanks in advance for any feedback. :kickass:
http://sneapforum.CeltiaProductions...iser Test/Hellraiser Loveletters Sample 3.mp3
Yea. Definitely a fizz there. But you will get rid of that with some high-Q notch somewhere between 2,5 and 6k. Other than that it sounds pretty good.

Maybe the fizz will even disappear if you have more hats, cymbals, vox, bass etc.

Hard to say with just drums & guitar, but as I said: it sounds cool. :headbang:

1 Question: Why don't you write new songs instead of redoing 18-year-old material? :)
Nebulous, smy1 and Noumenon thanks for the reply. I agree with the plastic high end. This guitar is dark. Well I set the amp slightly brighter and re-recorded it. The guitars are RAW except 50Hz-12kHz filtering. I wanted to leave them as raw as possible to see if anyone with better ears than me (probably most people :lol: ) can hear any problem freq's and possibly point them out to me just as smy1 did. Tips like that would be greatly appreciated.

As far as "why the old tracks", yep, nostalgia. All of us are still mates and we jam as a whole once a year (AFL Grand Final Day, Neb knows what that is) and partly every now and again. We just want a half-decent keepsake of those songs from back then like this one. Another reason is that I didn't really pick up a guitar between 1995 and 2005 and these were the only songs I remembered how to play fully. :lol:

Anyway, here's the updated sample

Updated Sample
http://sneapforum.CeltiaProductions...etters Sample brighter just 50-12k filter.mp3
Well, after listening to Audiophile's latest thread with his XSr where he used quite different settings for each pair of tracks I played around with it tonight. Settings were mostly similar to his in principal:

Setting 1:
AMP - Pres 6, Sweep 4, Bass 7, Mid 3, Treb 6, Mast 1.5, Gain 5 (out of 10)
808 - OD 10, Tone 12, Balance 12 (o'clock settings)

Setting 2:
AMP - Pres 7, Sweep 4, Bass 4, Mid 0, Treb 7, Mast 1.5, Gain 4 (out of 10)
808 - OD 7, Tone 12, Balance 12 (o'clock settings)

Setting 1 was panned 100 L/R and Setting 2 was panned 80 L/R.

For the first 27 seconds the LEFT Guitar is single-tracked (was getting more of an annoying phasey sound when letting the chords ring out when it was 2 tracks on the LEFT), Right Guitar is doubled. After this it is 2 tracks per side. The Quad-tracking definitely thickened up this sample. I don't think it is as heavy as Audiophile's sample, but it is definitely a step in the right direction for me I think. Thanks again to him for the idea.

Guitars have only had a 50/12k filter.

http://sneapforum.CeltiaProductions...raiser Test/Hellraiser loveletters quad .mp3