Help? Anyone?


The Prince Of Ice. Almost
Feb 25, 2003
Varna, Bulgaria.
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I am currently deciding what to get.

I basicly need a good cheap amp modeler, where a delay/echo is a bonus.
With that being said, I don't really care for other effects.

My choice is narrowed down to:
Digitech RP100 (I thought RP50 might not be tweakable enough)
Korg's new modelers
Marshall series 9000 solid state preamp

I've only played the 9004, but I played it with a LTD M-200 through the clean channel of some Marshall Valvestate... So I couldn't get a good view. Next time I'll try it with some descent guitar through headphones so that I can see what it does by itslef. I can say it fed back well and I liked it better than the Valvestate's metal channel. The cleans were awesome, though...

Has anyone had any experience with the new Korg modelers... The AmpworksG looks interesting, but at the shop they said they haven't recieved them yet... But they did say the Korgs sounded less artificial than the Digitechs.

Everything else is, basicly either out of my price range or out of question....

Help, anyone?
I'd say the best available amp modeler is still the Pod 2.0 by Line 6. The features are definitly extras, the main focus is the cab sims and amp sims, of which there are 32. Plus you can dial up MJR tone easily. Plus you can get it in rack mount or kidney bean form.
SyXified said:
I'd say the best available amp modeler is still the Pod 2.0 by Line 6. The features are definitly extras, the main focus is the cab sims and amp sims, of which there are 32. Plus you can dial up MJR tone easily. Plus you can get it in rack mount or kidney bean form.

yeah, Pod is the way to go for price vs sound

always remember marshall + solid state dont go together, ever :puke:..

"Plus you can dial up MJR tone easily"

umm, what settings are those?
I'm afraid Line 6 don't have a ditributor here in Bulgaria, otherwise I'd have bought a used POD2 in a heartbeat.
So I'll have to try the other ones.

I tried the RP100 and Zoom GFX-707II today.

The Zoom had a "Van Halen" patch that sounded rather like Iron Maiden when I played "Unchained". *sigh* It did all high gain well, tho. With a few exceptions.

RP100's modeling seemed more distant and somehow muffled, I couldn't really get it to leap out at me... Does anyone else have an opinion about Digitech's RP series? *desperate*

As for the Korg-s, I read somewhere on the net that they use the same technology as Vox's modeling amps... Anyone tried these? I'm just trying to figure out if it's worth it to try out the Korg.

BTW that marshall sounded OK with hard rock, just failed miserably at prog. It didn't really encourage you to play solos. Or anything complex, for that matter. :)

What do I do, me picky bastard! :cool:
RobbM said:
just order it on ebay or somethin...or Musicians friend....

All the things I mentioned are about/under 150 Euro.

The pricing from is 300 Euro for the POD, plus another 140 Euro for a MIDI controler. If I wanted the L6 floorboard, it gets even worse.

What I asked for was an opinion, not advice so next time, before you post a useless suggestion, please read my post. It really helps. ;)

P.S. No bad feelings.
Zax666 said:
All the things I mentioned are about/under 150 Euro.

The pricing from is 300 Euro for the POD, plus another 140 Euro for a MIDI controler. If I wanted the L6 floorboard, it gets even worse.

What I asked for was an opinion, not advice so next time, before you post a useless suggestion, please read my post. It really helps. ;)

P.S. No bad feelings.

theres plenty of NEW POD2's on Ebay around the 150-180 Euro mark which is in your price range.
SO before posting a reply like that, mabie you should do some homework...and if you dont like that, dont post here...
Postage and payment details
Postage and Packing:
(first item) See description above or contact the seller for more information
Buyer pays for all postage costs
Will post to United Kingdom only. Price:£179.99
(which would say about 250 Euro. Not in my price range. The owner won't ship to me, either.)

Bad example, huh?
BTW I want to play in a band with that, with no midi controler or floorboard it'll be a BIG drawback to get a mere modeler I can't make myself a footswitch for.

SO before posting a reply like that, mabie you should do some homework...and if you dont like that, dont post here...
Excuse me, but WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO TELL ME THAT?!??!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Plus, Bulgaria won't be a member of the EU at least until Jan 2007, so you might have to add the customs to that. Not to mention the shipping will be about extra 30 Euro (?), which makes web purchases in this price range a little pointless for me.

Once again, no hard feelings. *no smilie this time, sorry*

P.S. Yes I know I was the first to behave arrogantly, and I'm sorry for that. :(
Kid, take some fuckin Prozac or something, were just trying our best to help find you a cheep Pod or something with the same quality, but if you dont want the help, thats fine, you come and ask for it, I go out of my way looking for it, and all you do is bitch...You want my opinion about Digitech then, dont buy it, unless its a Studio Tube rack or better, the only good tones they ever made...
*talking slow and quiet*
Once again, carefully read my posts, think over them for a while and you'll understand why I got angry. Especially for the first and third post. And you won't think of me as a bitch. Do it, don't "RR" the tape in your mind, do it again. You'll find much you've read 'diagonally' that way.

I've written the post with all the info you might need to consider and quite frankly not ONE word do I ever say in vain. All the words have meaning, are very well picked and explain the situation I'm in in all the detail you might need. Look in the words.

It's not about DSPs anymore, I figured out I live in a crappy country (old news) and you guys can't help me with info on these DSPs. It's about undersanding each other. If there's one thing that annoys me, it's being misunderstood.

Peace, Zax666 - The prince of ice
Oh, and BTW the "We want to help you, but you're mad" experssion never really worked on me. I've always had my reasons for doing something, I'm not mad. I'm mostly right, in fact.