Help diagnosing problem with my Mark V

My local repair guy said to call Mesa, so I called Mesa tech support. They basically said "wtf? We're Mesa Boogie. Why the hell would we solder random wires onto a fucking tube?" Dude was puzzled. So I'm sending that pic to Mesa and my Mesa Rep. I'll probably end up shipping it back to Mesa to have them look at it.
So the artist rep got back to me. Apparently my amp was one of the prototypes that went to the NAMM show, and they did this final mod to the tube to correct some filament voltage or something, and obviously incorporated it into the final amps without having to solder tubes. I guess the amp shouldn't have really gone out to any bands.

But no matter, they said to send it on back and they'll update it and make it all shiny for free. Stoked! They were awesome to deal with actually.

Thanks for the help dudes!