G GrotesqueWingedCreature Satan's Offspring Jun 21, 2004 55 0 6 38 Jul 12, 2005 #41 i looooove dialoge witht the stars by in flames, im pretty sure its my favorite instrumental
anonymousnick2001 World's Greatest Vocalist Aug 10, 2003 9,217 22 38 I Jul 12, 2005 #42 Dissection - Crimson Towers
RjBeals M is for MAUD Jan 23, 2004 766 0 16 who was swept out to sea www.rjbeals.com Jul 12, 2005 #43 Tranquillian said: Megadeth - Into the lungs of hell Click to expand... I'll have to go listen to this one now - it's been years. - Thanks.
Tranquillian said: Megadeth - Into the lungs of hell Click to expand... I'll have to go listen to this one now - it's been years. - Thanks.
crimsonfloyd Active Member Apr 18, 2002 8,040 1,903 113 40 Los Angeles, CA Visit site Jul 12, 2005 #45 Agalloch- Odal Emperor- The Wonderer Aarni- Kivijumala Neurosis- Road to Sovereignty and ummmm... thats all I can think of off the top of my head
Agalloch- Odal Emperor- The Wonderer Aarni- Kivijumala Neurosis- Road to Sovereignty and ummmm... thats all I can think of off the top of my head