
Oct 10, 2008
Niles, Michigan
Now before anyone says anything, im not SPAMMING or anything, im just trying to help everyone out!

Hey everyone, after being on this site I wanted to let everyone know something. Now, all of us on here are either musicians, producers or BOTH! Now, playing our instruments and using our computers ALL the time have an AWFUL STRAIN on our wrists, possibly leading to causing Carpel Tunnel and Arthritis problems. I myself am attemping this producing world and play several instruments and HAD major wrist problems. But ive been using this little device that has helped get rid of my pains!!!! Its called "The Cats Paw". For one of them it only cost about $15 or so and its WORTH IT!!!! Heres a link to the site, I suggest getting this!!!

Link - The Cats Paw Website


The Cats Paw theory is based on the established truth that you must exercise opposing muscle groups to keep your body fit, balanced and healthy. The hands are the only part of the body used forcefully in only one direction - closing - even typing is pushing inward. This constant repetitive and strenuous inward activity creates an imbalance which leads to problems such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Arthritis and other Repetitive Stain Injuries. The Cats Paw counteracts and corrects this imbalance with opposing muscle exercise.

So since you ALWAYS strain your hands inwards (closing fist, playing guitar, typing) you NEVER build the opposing muscles in your hands and wrists. But when you use the Cats Paw, it builds those muscles and help heals your wrists. Ive been using this for about 2 months now and have almost NO pain now!!! Like I said, im not spamming this or nothing BUT just trying to help out my fellow mates. I hope you all check it out and get one. Read the website and see if you need one.

:headbang:KEEP IT METAL:headbang:

~Wes Nyle~
Looks cool dude, I'll be investigating further, but you'd have an easier time convincing people your not spamming if you'd ease up on the "!!!!'s" and large fonts ;)
Now I could use one of those... that is if it works as well as they say it does! hehe My wrist give me pain every now and then but that seems like it would help me out. It might be worth a try..? Thanks man :kickass:

Now, just waiting for the masturbation comment :)
Now I could use one of those... that is if it works as well as they say it does! hehe My wrist give me pain every now and then but that seems like it would help me out. It might be worth a try..? Thanks man :kickass:

Now, just waiting for the masturbation comment :)

Glad I could help, and it DOES work. I actually JUST used it like 15 minuets ago because I just had practice earlier today and my wrists were hurting and I used it for about 5 minuets or so and now the pain is gone. I havent been keeping up a REGULAR "workout" with it though. BUT it also helps with a quick relief of pain to.

Yeah, im waiting for the Masturbation comment myself. Its BOUND to come up. HAHAHAHAHAHA

~Wes Nyle~
i'm not trying to dissuade anyone for or against this, but a couple years ago i was starting to have issues with my forearms. it seemed like the beginning of carpal tunnel. between my day job and all the work i do at home writing and recording, i was probably asking for it. however, i'm not a big fan of doctors, mostly because anytime i go to one they wanna cut me open.

anyways. so i didnt really wanna go see one about it. what i did was evaluate my work stations and my posture. I made a real conscious effort to use better posture, make sure things were setup at better angles and used those gel pads for the keyboards and mouse. even made myself use better posture in the car, not resting my elbows or wrist on hard surfaces or at weird angles.

and bam... i mean, and BAM! within a week, all that pain was gone. and it hasnt come back. so it does make sense to make a conscious effort to improve your workstation(s). esp if youre spending 60-80 hours a week in them.
i'm not trying to dissuade anyone for or against this, but a couple years ago i was starting to have issues with my forearms. it seemed like the beginning of carpal tunnel. between my day job and all the work i do at home writing and recording, i was probably asking for it. however, i'm not a big fan of doctors, mostly because anytime i go to one they wanna cut me open.

anyways. so i didnt really wanna go see one about it. what i did was evaluate my work stations and my posture. I made a real conscious effort to use better posture, make sure things were setup at better angles and used those gel pads for the keyboards and mouse. even made myself use better posture in the car, not resting my elbows or wrist on hard surfaces or at weird angles.

and bam... i mean, and BAM! within a week, all that pain was gone. and it hasnt come back. so it does make sense to make a conscious effort to improve your workstation(s). esp if youre spending 60-80 hours a week in them.


I had to rock some cheap wrist braces for a week when the paint got REALLY bad (wresting elbows a few hours a day on a glass table) but then I did all of that, went back to messaging/stretching hands/arms twice a day and everhthing is good now.
Yeah posture i really important. A really good chair is almost as important in a nice studio as a good pair of monitors.

Anout this catspaw stuff. I don't doubt that it works, but it seems to me that almost similar result could be achieved by wrapping a large rubber band around your hand.
I'm doing fisio right now for my left wrist. A cist came up and I've been diagnosed with "ulna minor". My ulna bone is smaller than the radio bone, causing some pain. I hope it don't get any serious... :cry:
Yeah, posture should always be taking account for anyways. But its REALLY hard for some people to be able to get that going. But doing that seeing a chiropractor 2-4 times a month and being safe will help alot to. BUT I was just mentioning the Cats Paw cause I use it and think it works great to help almost immediately.