help from the hungarians on the board


love is the answer
Nov 12, 2002
Belgrade, Serbia
Visit site
I'm thinking of checking out Wolves in the Throne Room in Budapest on May 10.

Do small shows there work the same as in most places, starting late, ending late, or will I be able to catch a train back to Belgrade at 11pm.

I'm guessing that would be impossible, but I figured I'd ask.

Also recommendations for a cheap hostel close to the club would be appreciated.
I'm thinking of checking out Wolves in the Throne Room in Budapest on May 10.

Do small shows there work the same as in most places, starting late, ending late, or will I be able to catch a train back to Belgrade at 11pm.

I'm guessing that would be impossible, but I figured I'd ask.

Also recommendations for a cheap hostel close to the club would be appreciated.

The promoter wrote me:
Moon & NS: 20h
Wolves: 21h

I give you 10% chance to catch that train. :)

and here is guesthouse very close to the venue
9:00? Heck, I wish bands I wanted to see actually came on that early. But nooooooo. This is why Derick and I rarely go to shows anymore. When the band's not coming on til nearly midnight, FORGET IT. Too old and tired for these late shenanigans!
Don't take a train anywhere after 11pm. I've done it a few times from Germany through CZ and into Slovakia and it stops in the middle of fields that are apparently train stations and loads of spooky shit goes on.