HELP! I can't make the vocalists sound decent (and i'm generally stuck)

Kick sounds very empty like it's literally the sound of a click, and the snare feels like paper. Guitar tone sounds decent(maybe just a bit of EQ to make it sit better) and gels nice with the bass, but I'd add a distorted bass track to make it chunky. Work on fixing the drums. :)
Kick sounds very empty like it's literally the sound of a click, and the snare feels like paper. Guitar tone sounds decent(maybe just a bit of EQ to make it sit better) and gels nice with the bass, but I'd add a distorted bass track to make it chunky. Work on fixing the drums. :)

The bass is extremely distorted (the high end), but with vocals on the mix it's not very noticeable. But it beefs the guitars up a lot.

Anyone else ?
Definitely give more high end to the vocals ,shelving from 4-5 khz ,also ty to make guitars little brighter,maybe more compression on bass guitar or just decrees for couple dbs,kick and snare need more body especially snare.Overall mix could be brighter.
i agree the kick needs more sub bass to it and a bit less click., also maybe less highs in the snare and some more 200. vocals seem to sit pretty well in the mix for this style imo.