Help! I'm brand new to Opeth!


AKA Addicted To Death
Nov 16, 2001
Chicago, Illinois
Okay, i've never heard any of Opeth. I've been a metal fan for about 11 years now and my favorites are In Flames, Nevermore, Iced Earth, Dimension Zero, and Dimmu Borgir. Will i like Opeth and if you guys think i will can you guys describe it and which Cd do i get first?? Whew! That was a lot huh?? thanks fellas.
Opeth is jazz/classical (in a sense) infused DM..No Blastbeats, but some faster parts. COmplex riffs, cool key changes, atmosphere to spare....amazing
Its both.....The mellow parts are what drew me to Opeth. Before them I didn't like growling in music...Now i Love It. The heavy death metal parts and singing are superior to anything else ive far.
opeth is influence by all kind of music, they created their own genre. just listen to their newest album and go backward.
I bought them in this order.
1. Still Life
2. Morningrise
3. Blackwater Park
4. My Arms Your Hearse
5. Orchid

I think this is a very good order to buy them. Orchid is the best and you will appreciate it the most, if you buy it last. It kicks your guts out!!!
Originally posted by samoniac
I bought them in this order.
1. Still Life
2. Morningrise
3. Blackwater Park
4. My Arms Your Hearse
5. Orchid

I think this is a very good order to buy them. Orchid is the best and you will appreciate it the most, if you buy it last. It kicks your guts out!!!

listening to the apostle in triumph on a rainy day leave me an impression of a size 15 boot in my ass
asking what opeth is like all I can say is it's like a many dreams that you have had in the past it's all very emotional when you get into it. The oder I got them in was this it is also a good way to get into them:

Morning rise
still life
blackwater park
my arms your hearst

But mayh is one of the best albums that they come out with
Hey fellas! Okay misanthrope here's how progress is going. I downloaded Blackwater Park and i'm listening to it again right now!! It's that good! As for Demon, i downloaded but then the lyrics didn't match up and i soon found out that it's really another song called Credence, but you know what i loved that one too!! So do i still need testing or have i just hit the jackpot with an awesome band!!:eek: :eek:
Originally posted by Duvall
Sell all your other cds. you will need nothing but Opeth now.

I suggest getting one exemplary track from each album to see if you like, then buy 'em all..
Thats what I did. After buying "morningrise" on a whim, I traded in a bunch of cds I don't listen to anymore and used that money to buy the other four. Just make sure you get them before Opeth Opus #6 comes out. :rock: :hotjump: :rock: