Help me discover other bands

Very good bands recommended here. I personally recommend Farmakon, Dark Suns both have very Opeth-like stylings. Farmakon has a more thrash/melodic death sound and fuses it with jazz and funk. Dark Suns is pretty much a slow Opeth, very very doomy.

My favourite bands right now are Ephel Duath, Maudlin of the Well and Kayo Dot. Ephel Duath have a very jazzy approach towards metal. Maudlin of the Well/Kayo Dot just own, you'd have to take you time listening to them, they take alot of patience. But when you finally like them, you realize that they're one of the best bands out there these days that's really innovative.
Paradise Lost
Green Carnation
...most of these bands aren't really progressive but they do have alot of melody and emotion. Actually the first Green Carnation album is one big song, so they are bit progressive.
I'd say:
Edge of Sanity "Crimson"
Iced Earth "Horror Show"
Neurosis "Times Of Grace"
Cradle of Filth "Midian"
In The Woods "Heart of The Ages" - the first track reminds me of Orchid a bit
Entombed - "Morning Star"
Soulfly - "Soulfly" / "Primitive"
Sth softer:
Queens Of The Stone Age "Songs For The Def"
Amorphis "Elegy"

And sth. stronger, yet brilliant:
Emperor "Prometheus"
Immolation "Unholy Cult / "Close to a wordl below" - you need to give them some time
Entombed "Clandestine"

Check them out
Best groups to check up in the (progressive) (doom) (death) corner:


There are surely more good bands, but these are the BEST imo. Havent heard anything as good as these ones at least.
I cannot urge you strongly enough towards Dissection. Storm of the Lights Bane and the Somberlain are epic, beautiful, and asskicking all at the same time.

Blind Guardian are really good. A little "happy sounding" and have some power metal trappings, but are among the best power metal bands. I'd recommend Tales from the Twilight World and Nightfall in Middle Earth.

If you haven't heard Emperor yet, go buy In the Nightside Eclipse and Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk right now.

And if you want to hear the best female singer around, check out the Gathering. Their early(with her) albums are gothic-sorta metal. Mandylion is pretty good, Nighttime Birds is phenomenal. Their later albums are more experimental rock and less metal, but still good. How to Measure a Planet? and Souvenirs are my faves.
You could try out my band, it´s called Methonia and we just recorded a demo, you can listen to it here: , please tell me what you think about it. Another great band is Pain of Salvation, I recommend the albums "The Perfect Element pt. I" and "Remedy Lane".
Agalloch - The Mantle. One of the best albums that creates colors and textures with sound that I have ever heard.
Moonsorrow - Kivenkantaja - Really good, epic sounding stuff.
Enslaved - Below the Lights - phenomonal. breathtaking.
i think i know exactly what your wanting. these great melodic albums

definately agalloch - the mantle.
rapture - songs for the withering
anything by dark tranquillity
novembre - novembrine waltz
at the gates - slaughter of the soul
Death- symbolic, the sound of perserverance
Arsis is a most excellent band, their debut album is coming out in March, the MP3s they have on the site are their newer songs so they're a little less melodic then their demo stuff...but still some damn fine metal. (website is top link in my sig)

Like many others said Agalloch is pretty damn good.

Empyrium. Their first 2 albums were, eh, gothic/doom metal and the last two are acoustic masterpieces (especially the latter one entitle "Weiland")

Ulver is great, particularly "Vargnatt" (only if you have a turntable) and "Bergtatt"

Dies Irae (Mexico) is good, though I only have "Etherial" and not their new one.

The last 4 Death albums are fucking brilliant.