help me choosing a seven string!

Even the stock pickups are pretty good.

Running around in circles trying to pretend you said things you didn't isn't getting anywhere, and neither is attacking productive members of the forum.

Hydrocram said:
There's at least one like you in every forum so you're unoriginal.

Elitist? I've played them. I have ears. I'm just not a deaf loon. And 'unoriginal' is hardly going to describe anything I wind up doing around here, in case you haven't noticed.

I also gave an option for the budget conscious. I disagreed on a couple of points. That's all. Quit getting your panties in a knot.

Hi Hydrocram, welcome to the forum, I see you already met Jeff... :)

I have to agree with him on the stock ibanez pu's, and back on topic:

for that price I'd go for a Schecter, maybe used.
Never tried an Agile, but heard pretty nice things about 'em...
Hi Hydrocram, welcome to the forum, I see you already met Jeff... :)

lol thank you. And nice to meet Jeff too i suppose. I don't take it personal...every forum is is pretty much the same.:Smug: I'm just the new guy being sharked.

Just serves to remind me why you don't argue with idiots. they'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience. And really Jeff and I have no disagreement...

AND I agree with both of you on the stock ibanez PU's with an if and a but. they're ok if you plan on keeping them...but IF you don't I "personally" like the EVO's
No, you're the new guy getting off to a bad start by backpedaling and then insulting people. Might want to be careful who you call an idiot.


uh no...i re-read the entire thread and I've been very consistant. you're just reading wrong.
what are you looking to spend? Can't go wrong with a Schecter...but the thrifty guitarist will find the Ibanez RG7321 a good buy too. Swap in a set of EVO's or whatever and yer laughing

AHEM: my very 1st post in this thread.....THANK YOU
Even the stock pickups are pretty good.

The Fucking Dictionary said:
Good - adjective
Being positive or desirable in nature:
Like - verb
1. to take pleasure in; find agreeable or congenial
2. to regard with favor; have a kindly or friendly feeling for (a person, group, etc.); find attractive

Hmm, from this one could almost infer that to say something is 'good' (or, to be looser, 'pretty good') would imply 'liking' it - as 'good' entails having traits that make it desirable or favorable and 'to like' implies that one finds it desirable or favorable.

I said "pretty good" not I like them.

But I guess the dictionary must be wrong because Hydrocram is being perfectly consistent. Sorry, dictionary, I guess that's what all those revisions are for - twats on the internet who would argue what 'is' means.

(Seriously... be careful who you argue with. This board is not a cliche, you are not a misunderstood genius whose day of recognition will come, you can't dismiss people calling you out by playing the 'new guy that nobody likes' card. Also, the board's mad scientist and walking encyclopedia is not the guy to be calling an idiot.)

And I appreciate the time you've taken to show that you can go ten posts without contributing anything useful because you think you're invincible and that anyone who disagrees with you is an idiot, and the extents you'll go to in order to hide from being caught in a bullshit statement.

Yes. I saw it.

That doesn't change your slip of the tongue after it.


lol...ok then.
I do respect and appreciate the time and effort you put into your english lesson. I hope it helps the original poster with his 7 string guitar purchase.
As did your stunning impression of Bill Clinton getting caught in a three-way.


Really? still going? see now i have to stand by the idiot remark. Mad Scientist and walking encyclopedia you may be.....but sheesh heaven forbid a "slip of the tongue" as you put it, and you're all over it. You could have just ignored it and validated my original post but...nope.
Yes you're an idiot.
And this is just a forum like every that's been both enlightening and par.
enjoy your Obama style elitist reign.
Really? still going? see now i have to stand by the idiot remark. Mad Scientist and walking encyclopedia you may be.....but sheesh heaven forbid a "slip of the tongue" as you put it, and you're all over it. You could have just ignored it and validated my original post but...nope.

If you had acknowledged a slipup and then moved on it would have been fine. But recommending a $400 guitar that would still need new pickups for the 'budget-conscious', contradicting yourself, and then attacking me directly was a big mistake.

Hydrocram said:
And this is just a forum like every that's been both enlightening and par.
enjoy your Obama style elitist reign.

You're in no place to judge anything. You've seen very little, and most of this thread has been you hiding from what you said. And now you're throwing in a random political reference and trying to pigeonhole an entire forum - which you've barely seen any of - while still trying to attack me. Not a bright move. You're the one who kept talking shit and completely missed any trace of a sense of humor, as well as the first to throw an insult.

maybe should I point out that we're on a forum... there's no mouth nor tongue involved. I do enjoy fair amount of tongue, though.

Either way I really like my Agile 7.
as mentioned, the Omen sucks.. IMO at least. I do like Schecter for the money. I use a C7+ for a trem, which compared to some of the Ibanezs' (7421) for the same market prices, I thought the Kor Schecters performed well against the MIJ Ibanez.
Hardtails...either a Schecter or an Ibanez again. The Blackjacks are a good series, swap out the pups and they can deliver.
Jeff is right, the Ibanez 7321 pretty much sucks, pickups are too muddy, mine didn't stay in tune very well either, nut is from cheap plastic, overall just a cheap feeling guitar.