Help me find this Armored Saint song?


Mar 15, 2002
Buffalo, NY
I figured that this would be the best place to ask this, since there are a lot of Saint fans and that it has to do with Anthrax because of Bush.

I downloaded an mp3 that is entitled Armored Saint - "Shadows". This song sounds like Saint, but I haven't found any song that was ever done by them with this name. I have tried to find the song again, but haven't been able to. I know that this is an odd question, but does anyone know of any metal songs with the name "Shadows" or maybe someone has downloaded this same song? I really like this song and would like to get the album that it is on. I'm thinking that the person I got the song from labeled it wrong and didn't know what the hell they were doing. Thanks for any help.
...this is quite a coincidence. Just today I remembered having Revelation and how good it was, so I'm hoping to play it a few times tonight after I'm finished with a couple of other CD's. By the way, did anyone see Armoured Saints' appearance in that Hellraiser flick? was pretty cool. They played at this nightclub that later turned into a slaughterhouse. But they (the band) were pretty young at that point, I think. They all had poofy hair and tight pants.
I'm not quite sure, but I think it was the sequel. I have it here at home though, so I can check it out for you. Well, whatever your sister says...if you're into horror/dark imagery then you'll love these films!
I only started watching horror movies because my mom can't handle them, but then I got really into them. (Til I discovered Bruce Willis in the Die Hard movies...woo-hoo!!) It was the only type of movie I agreed with my sister on, but then she started recommending pure shit and I stopped listening to her. I guess I'll have to watch them now. Now I just have to find time to get to the video store. :mad:
Originally posted by TD
Yeah, they were in Hellraiser 3. I remember them lamenting about how they wound up in the "lamest" of the Hellraiser movies.
No, the lamest Hell raiser was the last one they made. I don't even remember the plot, something about an LA or New York detective. I just remember how bad it sucked.
Originally posted by bRaTpRiNcEsS
JEEBUS!!! How many Hellraisers are there??? I only knew about the first two!!!

Six. Hellraiser 1-4, Hellraiser Bloodlines, and Hellraiser Inferno. The latter is the one I said sucked worst. Bloodlines wasn't horrible, but not great. Inferno just sucked ass.
Originally posted by bRaTpRiNcEsS
I'll watch 3 (we all know why) but I'm not bothering with the others. My husband is already threatening to never let me pick out movies again because of Ghosts of Mars.
Hellraiser 1 was a classic. Really spooky stuff. 2 was decent. Ghosts of Mars wan't horrible either. I watched it by myself because my wife wouldn't have cared for it. BTW, did you see the DVD version with a special about the recording of the score? I think it had shots of Anthrax, Buckethead and Steve Vai.
Well, I've seen the first one and I think the second, I meant that I'll watch part 3 but not 4, 5 or 6.

I didn't have a problem with Ghosts of Mars, I mean, it was okay. I kept telling him he didn't have to watch it because I knew before I even turned it on he wouldn't like it, but he never listens to me. Then when it was over, I had to hear about how I pick out fucked up movies (and "why does that guy look like Marilyn Manson??) and he brings it up every chance he gets now. I had been hoping the chick was hot enough that he'd stay quiet, but I don't have that kind of luck. We rented the DVD version and yeah, I watched the recording part, that's really the only reason I rented it in the first place, to hear the score and also watch that. I thought it was amusing that they thanked John Bush, who's not in any of it ( :cry: ) but not Paul Crook, who was the first person they showed. Also went on about how John Carpenter wrote everything. He makes *some* decent movies, but you'd think he invented the concept of horror and movie-making in general if you ever hear or read anything about him. Oh well.
I have "Shadows" in an mp3 format if you would like for me to e-mail it to you. The quality is just slightly distorted but it sounds pretty good. Brat, Bush sounds great on this one, but then again he could sing the theme to "Barney and Friends" and make it sound heavy!!!! John Bush also did a song on Joey Vera's solo release called "I'm Replacing You" that is pretty good too....

I fuckin love Anthrax and Armored Saint.....I try to listen to alot of other things but damn, I just keep going back to what moves me......for the past 15 years.......

I am trying to attach the file....don't know if it will work or not