Help me get a good recorded guitar tone!


Orpheus: Melodic Death
Mar 9, 2008
Ok, so the other day I was playing with my friends 6505 and couldn't for the life of me get a decent recorded tone.
Now, I have a Bugera 6260, set the same as the 6505 and trying to record it. So it's the same set up, but either way I can't manage to get a nice ballsy and bright tone, it always ends up too muffled.
Here's a short clip, some EQ only too boost 2 - 4kz

I used a JTS NX-7 mic aimed just at the meeting between dust cap and cone, against the grill with an Alto Tube Mic- Pre

Hope you can help, thanks guys!

P.S: The aim I have is something close to this *Poidaobi's clip*
Cheers dude, so adding some bass to that, do you think there is much else I need to do to the guitars?
Thanks for the response first off also :)
First thing that pops to mind is that you'll need to play around with those mids. I'm not in the best state of hearing at the moment so if I give specifics, take it with a grain of salt... I'd say you should sweep around 1khz and see what you can cut with good results. Cutting the mids a bit will help the tone breathe and sound a bit more 3d.

The tone on the whole sounds a little thin. Maybe the mic you're using is cutting all the lows, but that's one of the problems.. there's no real body to the sound. Rather than EQing in this instance I'd recommend either repositioning the mic, getting a better mic, or just dialing some more lows into the amp.

After you get all that sorted, then it's time to start looking into the high-end and opening up the tone a bit.

For the closest thing to what you have there I'd look into referencing your tone to Arch Enemy's 'Anthems of Rebellion' as you're EQing and trying to get something close. Doing 4 tracks of rhythm will help you out with achieving that thickness as well.
Anthems of rebellion is like my favorite production of all time :P
Well yeh, I will work on the tone during the week! Also Ermin, I sent you an extensive email on your myspace :)
The Bugera doesn't sound half-bad! I've been waiting for some clips from it for sometime, and it I think it's sounds a bit better than Peavey Valveking that is also in that price-range, and the Bugera is a little bit cheaper too!

But yeah, about the tone, maybe another mic would help and like said before, the guitars on that Poidaopi's track were double- or quadtracked, so that maybe the reason why it doesn't sound the same.

I'm really looking forward to hear more clips!!! :)

P.S: what Gibson is that?? looks cool!
lol, well as long as u dont chastise me for it! It's a copy :P
My friends chipped in for my birthday and got it :)
It's really nice, I changed the pickups to Duncans and so YAY!
It has a sexy Flame running up the neck, here's a pic sorta :P
Here's a 5150 mark 1 setting by Andy Sneap:

Lead channel
Pre 11 oclock
Low 1 oclock ish
Mid 9 oclock ish
High 11.30ish
Post 9.30, 10 oclock
Res 2 oclock
Pres 3 o clock

Tube screamer
Drive 9 oclock
Tone 11 oclock
Level 12 o clock