Help me get my mix right!

Bump. Updated the mix slightly, just added in a few vocal lines that needed tuning. Any advice or feedback would be appreciated.
Epic scoop and hi/lo pass in the intro but only as an effect. Only eq is a 2.5dB dip around 600hz and filtering at 100hz and 11k. Settings on the 6505 - pre-gain 5, low 4.5, mid 3.5, high 7, resonance 5, presence 7.5. I find 6505s to have prominent mids too, so...

The bass is a little pokey - I have 4 tracks of bass and the one with all the 1-2k attack is quite prominent but that's what I'm going for.

The problem I have is the density of the mix, it sounds too thick to me.
For the density you can put a synth track very low in the mix as reinforcement to the song. And the best thing to get a very 3d and wide mix for me is the ambience mic. Without ambience (stereo is better) the drums sound too dry and the mix lacks depth.
I would also turn up the guitars and the bass
cool, great tip man - thanks. Just gone back to it after not touching it since this morning and I've had a minor break through so I'll post again in a moment.

I have the room mic blended in quite high and i've got loads of compression going on. All snare tracks are going to a snare bus, same with the kicks to a kick bus and each tom to a tom bus. These are then going to the drum bus. Room mic is compressed hard and I decided to compress the O/Hs to get it a little bit pumpy.