Help me improve my Deathcore/Hardcore mix! Feel free to be brutally honest


Apr 24, 2013
So I found some stems for a song on this forum a long time ago and finally decided to mix them and add on my own vocals. Sorry about the shitty cleans, I'm fairly new to clean singing. Feel free to be as brutally critical as possible! Guitars were Peavey 6505+ and Bass was Pod Farm. Vocals were recorded with an SM58.
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Guitars sound a little harsh, try and see if there are some fizz spikes you could take down and round of the high-end a bit. Since I like my drums very punchy and fat I would suggest making at least the kick a bit more punchy and fat. Also, I think you can scoop out a little more in the 1 KHz region on the drums. When I mix this kind of music I usually make my bass a bigger focus of the mix than usual - Try raising the volume on that a bit!
So I found some stems for a song on this forum a long time ago and finally decided to mix them and add on my own vocals. Sorry about the shitty cleans, I'm fairly new to clean singing. Feel free to be as brutally critical as possible! Guitars were Peavey 6505+ and Bass was Pod Farm. Vocals were recorded with an SM58.

can u upload the raw tracks my friend?
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Gave the drums some more EQ and comp and used a new bass tone and turned up the bass. Does it sound a little bit better now??? I don't have real monitors yet so I sometimes miss out on certain details. And I will upload the raw files as soon as I can :D
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The only effects I had on the vocals were double tracking, some compression to even out the levels and a little bit of reverb towards the end for dramatic effect.
Well, maybe only use 1 track or edit them better.

No offense, but the 2 performances are kind of sloppy and it doesn't sound very good.