I recorded my melodic hardcore band's EP. We released it today for free. Feedback?


New Metal Member
Oct 3, 2012
Hey everyone, I sing in a melodic hardecore(ish) band called A Ghost in the Machine, and I had a go at producing our latest EP. We just put it out for free on bandcamp, and I'm looking for feedback on the mix and the material as well!

I re-amped this album's rhythm guitars with the 6505 and Mesa cab combo and used a combination of LePou and Pod Farm for the leads. Pod Farm for the bass as well.

The drums were recorded at Anup Sastry's studio by Alex Rudinger from The Faceless (happened to go to school with these guys so we've been friends) and then passed on to me to mix.

Thanks for taking the time to check this stuff out! Feel free to ask any other questions you may have.

Here's the link: http://aghostinthemachine.bandcamp.com/album/amity
I think the mix is not bad, maybe a bit "dirty" in a not so good way, like it could use some extra filtering out, but it's pretty good IMO. The harsh vocals in my opinion are horrible, they've got a really weird low mid scratchiness that kills the rest of the mix when they come in, the clean vocals have a bit of a vocoder/autotune feel in some parts but it's good enough.

Just my opinion of course, others might disagree.
drums are pretty good. the guitars have a lot of 400hz-junk in my opinion and could be more transparent.
Yeah the mix works for the music pretty well, but I feel like there's a lot of buildup frequency wise that makes the mix seem very narrow and overly focused. Plus dat snare is a little overbearing haha :p

It's cool though for sure :D
Mix compression is way, way OTT - it's pumping like fuck.

Mix in general is really scooped. Like you said, this isn't really melodic hardcore, but the glitch effects on the vocals are embarrassing.
Good feedback so far, I appreciate it (including the harsher criticism!). It all helps me improve, and I know this stuff's not for everyone. I made an effort to give this EP a unique sound but I'm sure it has it's shortcomings. As for genre classification, I just didn't really know what else to call it (I know it wouldn't actually be categorized as hardcore).
wow i didn't realize anup and alex were friends, those are two of my favorite hardcore drummers! that anup dude is a hard hitting motherfucker!!!

edit: oh yea, the album soudns really good i am looking forward to having a full listen, this is my kind of stuff!