Help me make this beat please!


Dec 31, 2009
I'd really appreciate it if someone could give me some direction in relation to what type of a synth is being used in this Marty Friedman track. I'm trying to make a backing for it but I'm failing miserably. I'm not used to this electronica stuff.

Is some kind of delay being used on the synths too? Link below, the beat starts right after the bendy thing at the start. I have Absynth and all the stock Cubase synths.

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you mean the "stutter" synth?
its a gated synth, i dunno if absynth can do it
maybe some bright waveform and then draw a volume envelope like this _-_-_-

edit: like this -_-_-_

Yes, that synth. I'll try out what you said, but I'm basically clueless with this stuff.
you mean the "stutter" synth?
its a gated synth, i dunno if absynth can do it
maybe some bright waveform and then draw a volume envelope like this _-_-_-

edit: like this -_-_-_

Tried what you said, but I can't get the right sound ('tambre') to begin with. :( Can anyone please tell me what this is? (As in, a name. Saw, strings etc etc.)
They call them in most synths, "Slicers". Some different basic sounds, but they all have that stutter effect which you can change as well. Automating would be another option, but if you listen closely it's not an apparent consistent rhythm. Good luck. I enjoyed that video though, thanks.
They call them in most synths, "Slicers". Some different basic sounds, but they all have that stutter effect which you can change as well. Automating would be another option, but if you listen closely it's not an apparent consistent rhythm. Good luck. I enjoyed that video though, thanks.

I've sort of got the stutter already, I can't get close to or the exact sound of the instrument in that track which I'd really like to get.

Thanks for the info! :)
Sounds like something you could do by just adjusting the release and sustain to 0.
Then maybe some delay or verb to taste.

I don't have much trouble with the stuttering part, I can do that manually. It's getting the actual sound of that synth that's the issue.
haha the vid starts kind'a cool and then suddenly, FAG PLANET! :D

I'd go for any synth and then automate like the guys said, or be a lazy fart and use glitch vst.

Look past the video and listen to the music. In that first solo bit those harmonised bends are fucking amazing. So is the entire solo section after that. His note selection, bends and vibratos are godly.