Help me out with my guitar tone(5150).


Aug 23, 2008
Lafayette, LA
Hey guys,

I need some help on my guitar tone. I've been working on it for a while now and just kinda burned out on it so I figured some extra input from people a hell of a lot more knowledgable than me would help. Here's the deal:

There is next to no mixing done at all on this sample. I high-passed the guitars at around 60Hz and lo-passed 'em at about 11kHz. Guitars are double tracked. Guitar used was an Ibanez S-series with Lundgren M7 pickups into a tubescreamer into the 5150.

Settings for the 5150 (all out of 10) are:
Gain: 4.7
Lo: 7.5
Mids: 2
Hi: 4
Res: 7
Pres: 8

Standard mic-up deal - on axis and off axis 57s right into the Digi 002.

The bass I low-passed at around 7 kHz and HP at around 60Hz again. There's some compression on the bass as well.

As for the drums I just boosted around 3k on the snare just to give it a little more pop and blended the born snare. If I remember right I've got a blend of the real kick and the shadows fall kick going for the kick.

I think that covers most of it. Basically what I'd like is just some feedback on what YOU guys think need improvement. I want to make sure that I have a decent enough tone that I can mix it and get it sounding good. Anyways, here she is:

Thanks a ton for all your help. If it is any help I can also get some pictures of the mic positioning up sometime tomorrow. Thanks again.
Try these settings.

Drive 9oclock
Level 12 oclock
Tone 11 oclock

5150 Lead channel. (not in oclocks)
Low 6.5
high- 6
reso- 8
Yeah that's pretty close to what I have - I'll pull some of the lows out, nudge the mids up a tad and bring in more highs and hopefully post a clip later tonight. Thanks guys.