Help me out with my guitarsound??!!


May 27, 2004
I'm in the prosess of recording guitar for my band's debut album, and I have a question about guitarsound, in the mix prosesing..

The thing is, i have more or less found my sound, and have recorded two songs.. and i really like the tone (Sansamp PSA-1 throu a Mashall VS120 Rack Power amp)
The sound is heavy, but really really dry.. maybe to dry.. I tried out a 5150II that also sounded great!!.. but went back to the Sansamp..

what i am asking for is, when mixing guitars is it possible to compress the guitars without messing with the tone.. to get a more sustained tone?

If some of you like melodic "prog"metal, check out my band at:

All the way from Norway:-)
I don´t know a way to compress guitars to -add- sustain, sorry.
But perhaps you should simply try to record with a bit more gain.

When I recorded a local band last year they brought an Engl poweramp and Mesa Boogie recording-preamp. Same problem there:
When turned up loud the sound was awesome break-your-legs-like in the room, but on the recorded tracks it sounded pretty dry and no more break-anything effect. With a bit more gain it worked out pretty well without driving the sound too muddy.
I don´t know a way to compress guitars to -add- sustain, sorry.

Have you tried this stomp-box?
Just ask cuz the official product-description
Compresses louder signals while boosting lower signals for smooth sustain
sounds like adding more feedback and noise than sustain ^^ Just can´t imagine it works, but if it does: Allways learning!

edit: Just checked the clean-only demos on the site, still sounds like it works with clean, but would turn some serious distorted stuff into pretty muddy tone..
I have a GLX pedal which I think is a clone/licensed copy of the Boss pedal. I've used it upstream of a Behringer GDI-21 (clone of SansAmp GT-2) and it improved the sustain quite a bit.
Some tweaking with the attack time and tone control also improved the articulation in the mix.
When someone says "dry", I tend to think 'no reflections', as a mic on the grill of a cabinet should be. Can you post a clip?