Help me spend 900 dollars

Brandon E.

May 9, 2007
Thread title says it all, I'm ready for some upgrades. Right now I record guitars through my Tascam US-122L that I also use as a sound card, and I mix with my computer speakers or my sennheiser hd280 headphones. This is my list of things to get:

budget monitors (KRK RP6 maybe?)
better audio interface with decent preamps i guess (mackie onyx satellite?)
reamp box
sm57 or audix i-5
mic stand for micing a guitar cab

What do you think? I'm a noob about this stuff, tell me what to get! :D Budget is 900, and I'm probably buying almost everything used
Okay just kidding. I'd recommend getting a 57, a mic stand (and cable), and a redeye for starters.
The monitors and the interfaces have been discussed a lot here and I'm sure some one else has more experience than I in that price range. I do like the little yammy monitors though.
hahah. No no. I meant buy $900 worth of cocaine. Just kidding around. Nothing wrong with not being able to start off blowing thousands of dollars.

ahh, i got it, my bad :rolleyes:

The red eye is a DI box too right? Is it better to use that for recording DIs than right into the interface?
Yes. I had the same question and its been discussed a lot here. The consensus is that its better to have a designated DI box as opposed to the built in pre's in a lot of interfaces. I have 2 fp10s and my next purchase is going to be a Red Eye, hands down. Can't go wrong.
ahh, i got it, my bad :rolleyes:

The red eye is a DI box too right? Is it better to use that for recording DIs than right into the interface?
The Redeye is indeed a DI as well. Some guitars are ok straight into an interface and others suffer some degradation due to the impedance. For the price and the quality I think it makes sense to get the reamp box that has a pretty good DI built right in.