Help me with gear - Spend my $1500 for


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
So here's the deal. I have about $1500 to spend on my home studio and I am in need of gear desperately.

I current need the following:

Interface: (8ch preferably fire wire)
Mixer: (Do i even really need one?)
Vocal Mic: (Have a 58 but want something GOOD)
Drum Triggers: (Thinking DDrum all the way)
Trigger Interface: (Need this is I get triggers
Overhead Mics: (Decent set would be nice)

Please make some recommendations on gear and please price point is a big deal. It doesn't have to be the BEST of the best, but value for the dollar at the moment is. The wife is all over me as it is

I am also thinking of swapping out to Reaper from Sonar, opinions?
let's see... maudio profire 2626 - $661 on amazon currently
mixer - you don't need one
trigger interface - you don't need one, plug them right into the preamps
triggers - ddrum pro 5 trigger set - $200 new, I got my set for $100 used, but one trigger has broken as of now and others have had problems with them breaking
overheads - rode nt5 ($400ish) or oktava mk012 ($500)
vocal mic - shure sm7 ($350)

that's between $1500-$1600 if you buy everything new and of course you can find it all cheaper used

I don't use Sonar or Reaper so I can't help ya there
Interface: Steinberg MR816X - 700$
Vocal Mic: SM7b - 350$
Overhead Mics: Audio-Technica ATM450 - 450$/pair
So you actually record it then use Drumagog to sound replace?

Never actually heard of this particular technique, I thought you always needed a MIDI source to trigger the VST plugin, in this case SlateDrums

With drumagog or aptrigga it doesn't have to be a midi source, you can use just the trigger "splats" and you can always convert them to midi if needed
Very cool, did not know this, yes I'm a noob I know ... lol

So technically I wouldn't even need triggers, I could just mic up a kit "technically" and sound replace just about everything from the audio signals alone huh? This could leave cash for a better pre possibly :)

Or is triggering a better way to go?
Very cool, did not know this, yes I'm a noob I know ... lol

So technically I wouldn't even need triggers, I could just mic up a kit "technically" and sound replace just about everything from the audio signals alone huh? This could leave cash for a better pre possibly :)

Or is triggering a better way to go?

You can do either but it's easier to get them to trigger correctly (for me at least) with triggers because there is no bleed like you get from mics

when I mike up a kit to record, it's overheads, kick mic, kick trigger, snare mic, snare trigger, and 3 tom triggers, I started out all just triggers and overheads before I got more pre's
I really thiink the only thing I am lacking in a major way that preventing me from getting some final polish is the Pre. Currently I am just using a little MAudio Transit fed from a little 2 channel Soundcraft mixer. I am getting decent levels going in when I record but I know for sure this method isnt very transparent. I have access to some Killer amps to record with. I think my micing technique and over all mixes are better now, but only practice makes perfect! Well that and posting it here to get advice. I have learned so much from you guys. I really appreciate all the help.