Spend My Money For Me! - Buying some new gear


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
So I found a 5150 on CL today for $400. Picked it up and still have about $400 to spend and I need help on a decision for some new studio gear.

After picking up my Saffire Pro 40 I figure its time to invest in a good set of monitors. I know a few of you are raving on the KRK monitors. I was looking at these:




While the KRK's are a bit more expensive how do you guys feel the others stand up to them. I think any of these would be better then the Alesis M1320s I am using.

Wish I had the cash to dump a grand but the 5150 was too tempting of an offer not to go for.

As much as I hate to say this, the Behringers are actually pretty sweet for the price.
Ya i was thinking that too, but how do they compare to the KRK's I want to get something thats going to get me through the next few years at least and still give me a good sound.

The 320s I have now just arent cutting it especially int he lower frequencies and My mixes always wind up muddy cause i over compensate with EQ and whatnot cause I just dont get any good low end out of them.
Tannoy reveals.

They are good enough to stand up to serious competition, where the ones you posted are not. Get them and you won't regret it.

someday someone will listen :p
The Behringers rule for the price, seriously.
Obviously at this price point, they are not ultra detailed, but they will and can translate to other audio systems if you know what you're doing
+1 for saving a bit more and get monitors in the $1k and up range.

But... my money tends to love to leave my pocket.

+1 for Yamaha HS80M's. Call around since you can get them a lot cheaper than MAP. I got mine from Full Compass at a price that almost dropped me to the floor.
So saving a little more is the way to go then :)

That sounds like a better overall plan. I really appreciate it guys.....

Now im off to GC to buy a Keely TS :)

Uhh, why wouldn't you just buy a stock TS-7?
It's the same shit man, all those "Tube Screamer" mods are not improvements at all.
It amazes me people buy into that crap still.
The stock TS-7 will fine, seriously
The TS7 with my 5150 and cab just still is unfocued in the bottom. I have A-B-C's all 3 in my studio and the Keely just sounded better to me. We all have our preferences.

While the TS7 wasn't bad at all or the TS9 my ears just preferred the one with the mod :)
A couple of years ago when I was buying my first set of monitors there was a used pair of KRK V6s in my store for the exact same price as the new Behringer 2031As. Even though I preferred the sound of the Behringers when I a/b'd them I went for the KRKs because I thought it would look more respectable in my studio... worst decision ever :lol: The Behringers are great for the price... also check out the new ones with the ribbon tweeters