help me with some serious pc issues please!


Mar 15, 2007
Mannheim, Germany
my pc sht down quite often the last few weeks and I always thought it maybe the power supply. I have a q6600 (boxed), 2gb of ram, hd 3850, win xp system. I checked the cpu temp: 120° celsius (240° fahrenheit)! I opened the pc and the cpu fan it was covered with a mat of dust. I cleaned it and the temperature went down to 100° celsius (210° fahrenheit) (all temperatures in idle!). I renewd the "cooling paste" and still between 90° and 100° celsius (190 - 210° fahrenheit) in idle.
1. was the cpu damaged over a heat longer period and now is heating up faster/more?
2. is this temp normal with stock boxed cpu?
3. what should I do? buy a new cpu/cooler - which one?

q6600 (boxed), 2gb of ram, hd 3850, win xp, 1tb samsung s-ata, 400 watt power supply
That temp is NOT normal.

I doubt that your CPU got damaged but i'm not sure of that.

I would give a new cpu cooler a chance. Arctic Cooling / Zalman / OCZ / Thermaltake are the brands most people like.

Also check the fan of your chassis and of your power supply and download some system monitoring program to watch temps and the voltage.

Hope that helps a bit.

71 degrees C is the maximum temperature your CPU should be having to go up to, and thats at full pelt, so its entirely within possibility that it could be botched, having said that, what program are you using to measure the temp?

I just checked my own CPU temp with Speedfan and its sitting at about 35 degrees C.
Are there any hard drives/graphics cards blocking the air intake in the case?

You should try a different program as well, just to see if you get similar results in both.
chassis temp is about 30° celsius, and there should be a good air flow system (1 fan pumping air from the bottom front, and 1 fan pumping the air out at upper back). I tried bios and it features the same °
Thats bizarre man, with temps like 120 your cpu should quite literally be on fire.

There might be a bad connection between the CPU and its heat sink, reseating the heat sink could help.
I just phoned the company, that sold the cpu to me and they said either the mainboard or the cpu is damaged. If the mainboard doesn't take the normal temperature, the fan should be touchable without burning the skin. the fan is so hot, that I have to take my fingers away after 5 sec. so it's the cpu!
there is absolutely no reason why your cpu should be that hot. my q8200 @ 100% load sits at around 65C with a Zalman CNPS9500.

my first rule of thumb is to never use the standard heatsink that comes with boxed CPUs, as they're generally all shit.
HD3850 is pretty hot card, hot air can stay in PC box.
I also have Q6600 but using it with Scythe SCASM (Andy Samurai Master) cooler, as I remember temperatures is pretty low even at full load with overclocking to 2.8 GHz.
(I`m don`t using overclocking to much because of power supply).
I don`t use stock processor cooler because of average performance. SCASM is working at 1200 rpm so it`s silent enough.
It was my fault. During the cleaning process I lifted the fan just a little bit. In the store they plugged it in again and the cpu at ~40° celsius. kinda ashaming right?