Help! Megadeth remasters: worth it for a new fan?


Aug 16, 2004

As a relatively new Megadeth fan (only having R.I.P. and Countdown to Extinction), these remixes come off as pretty disturbing, especially considering the fact that many longtime Megadeth fans are calling them "butchered" (due to MegaDave resinging most of the vocals, and just plain screwing with the original mixes).

So in the someone who really intended to buy "Peace Sells but Who's Buyin", "So Far So Good So What", and possibly the updated "R.I.P." to start... are these discs even worth considering, or should I just stick to the originals which are already going out of print ?

I would appreciate your thoughts on the remasters, and I apologize if this topic has been discussed before, but as a fan who doesn't already own the old 'Deth classics, what should I do?

Get the originals, they are better and cheaper (used) :D
yeah...I agree with Johnny D. Why? Because as a new fan of the band you can see where Dave's head is at NOW and decide if you're still in or if you're out...and wish to remember them as they were. PLUS, you get the bonus tracks, which may or may not be classic material, but I'm a SUCKER for remasters because of the extra tracks and usually a ton more pics and liner notes!
DrillSergeant said:
I thought you never liked re-releases?
Let me explain, I don't buying up a collection over again.
Like KISS did. I bought all the 70's records, like Priest did, though those were at least expanded, with the bonus tracks. I think with the Megadeth records, I was a little worried, be cause not only have they been remastered but remixed as well. So you knew there would be something different. I think after I broke down & bought Countdown & RIP, then I got this urge to look into buying Peace & SFSGSW. I just ordered Peace on used for $9.00. No the wierd thing it lists it as the remaster, but the seller says it's the DVD Audio with the Megadave extras & interview?! For $9.00 I don't care what shows up in the mail box, you know?
Now did you ever pick up the Twisted Sister remasters?!
What did you think of those?!
I would put those up with the KISS, AEROSUPPLY remasters.
In other words, they were half assed. Nothing really new to them &
it was like buy a repackaged version of the old copy you alraedy had...
What's that about?
I know Dee Snider was pissed when he say the end result.
I think there's soemthing on his website, in the archives on that...
I would like to see a compilation cd of all the "bonus" tracks, so that I don't have to go out and buy new copies of all my Megadeth cds. I listened to most of them at the cd store & there didn't seem to be anything earth-sattering, but I would like to get them in my collection!
wdiv said:
I would like to see a compilation cd of all the "bonus" tracks, so that I don't have to go out and buy new copies of all my Megadeth cds. I listened to most of them at the cd store & there didn't seem to be anything earth-sattering, but I would like to get them in my collection!
There are some differences, they are times hard to hear, but they are there.
I got the Peace DVD Audio & that fucker rocks! You can strip down the Devil's Island track to drums, drums/bass, drums/bass/Dave Guitar, Drums/bass/Chris Guitar & the final mix. It's in sane! The interview is very informative & has Dave, Jr. & Chris!!!! Also you get the Peace & Wake Up videos in DTS!!!!!! I agree there should be a compilation of the extra tracks & the demos out there. You might check ebay, there's always people listing CDRS of that shit. I know when I was looking at the Motley Crue bonus discs that Best Buy issued with the Grst Hits that's how I got 'em all in one shot.
Good Luck,