help mixing real drum in cubase please :)


Dec 7, 2004
santiago, chile
hello there ,
im from chile, santiago

well with my band we are recording the album "right now" in a home studio with
pro tools LE using a pc( hell yeah )...

in the meantime that we record, im trying to mix the drums just to learn how to do it :P , and also im studying sound ingeneering so...:)

please let me know what ya think , i hope that mr.andy could give me some nice tips for the toms!! :)

pd: this mix i did it in my computer ( pc with cubase , on windows xp )

i use drumagog 3.5 to trigger the snare and the kick , all the rest is real

by the way, we play death melodic metal ( dark tranquillity , in flames )

thnks for your time
It's hard to say without hearing the other instruments, I'd like to hear a full mix so I could comment on it better. Now, the snare is too loud and maybe you could take a bit of low end off of it. The bass drum is a bit boomy too, it'll propably mud up the mix a bit when you add the bass guitar.