help my collection


Dec 14, 2003
Brookfield, VIC, Australia
Hi people. Wandering if i could get a bit of help. I've started a CD collection. 70 something so far( i know its not much but it will get bigger, thats what i want help with). I would like to know who's/which albums you think belong in a good metal collection. i'm after 80's metal at the moment as there is soo much that i dont know of from the 80's. I already know of the obvious ones (discographies of Met, Iron Maiden, Slayer, Testament, Death) is anything missing? I plan to have about 400+ when its done.
And i know that some of you will answer "get what you want" but i want to know what the most influential(ie:must have) albums were to all here (read:YOU)
Thanx a heap

Daniel \m/ :headbang:
i suppose megadeth were rather influential and a good addition. almost any other band i can think of is too much a matter of personal taste to fit in. but my imagination is severely impaired today.
guns & roses! alice cooper! venom! i mean, they're horrible, but you wanted the 80's metal ;)
@idari: You dont seem to find life for yourself?

@neubuloosi: You should try the first of Burzum, it includes WAR. -89. :)
idari said:
why does it seem to be so hard for people on UM to use wAnder and wOnder correctly :err:
just wondering...or wandering :rolleyes:
*didn't even bother reading the thread..except for the first few words* sorry. bye.
Yes. Native English speakers' grammar are pretty bad.
you want to have the first dream theater album, 'when dream and day unite' (1989), in your collection. :Smug:

when you get to the nineties, don't forget the others. :D

Motorhead put out some pretty good stuff in the 80s. Get Orgasmatron.
ouagadougou said:
@Nebulous: screw the 80's metal, it sucks anyway :p just go buy yourself some Amorphis

I know that my comment could lead dangerously off-topic, but if I had some money to spend on records, I would not go the traditional pattern and go chronologically. I would buy good CDs (and that is why the following list is so long and so off-topic).
Great bands/musicians I love or like: (90s, though): Children Of Bodom, Opeth, Katatonia, Depeche Mode (a huge majority of today´s industrial bands got influenced by them, including oomph!, Marilyn Manson, Pain and NIN), Nightwish, Sentenced, Charon, Edge Of Sanity, Moonsorrow, In Flames, Tiamat, Rapture (not The Rapture, that is another band), Finntroll, Dimmu Borgir, Rotten Sound, Arch Enemy, Timo Rautiainen & Trio Niskalaukaus....... you asked about my opinion .:D
Sodom up to & including "Agent Orange"
Kreator up to & including "Extreme Aggression"
Destruction up to & including "Release From Agony"
Bathory up to & including "Twilight of the Gods" (which is 1991 really)
Celtic Frost up to & including "Into the Pandemonium"
Exodus "Bonded by Blood"
Heathen "Breaking the Silence"
Forbidden "Forbidden Evil" and/or "Twisted into Form"
Sepultura up to "Arise"
Dark Angel "Darkness Descends". "Leave Scars" and up are optional
Death Angel "The Ultra-Violence"
Sacred Reich "Ignorance"

Thrash till death!!!!11
Nebulous: I also used to think like that a period a few years ago. I pondered about "must-buys" and "classics". But when I had been doing that for a while I asked myself why the hell I was doing it, because I didn't really like most of these oldies. I can agree in a way that the pioneers in a genre deserves some cred (i.e. me buying their records), but if the music doesn't gets you going, just don't give a shit about must-buys and buy records you really dig instead. You'll get quite a collection that way too, even if it perhaps not is "complete" in the same way.

Carl (120 CDs and counting)