Help! Need Reamping (Real Cab)


Nov 19, 2005
EDIT: I got Keiffer's reamped tracks, and everything's ok now :)

That's right, this time I am requesting rather than providing reamping :)
The guitar player of a band I'm recording insists that the guitars are recorded through a cab and mic and not with impulses. I've given up arguing with him and since I don't have a place to record a cranked amp I would really appreciate it if someone would help me with this.
A 5150/6505 would be best, however any good tone will do.

This is one of the 4 songs:
Rough Mix
If anyone's willing to reamp at leeast two of four tracks per song it'd be great.
Here's one DI file for testing.

DI File2
EDIT: The other DI - DI
That's right, this time I am requesting rather than providing reamping :)
The guitar player of a band I'm recording insists that the guitars are recorded through a cab and mic and not with impulses. I've given up arguing with him and since I don't have a place to record a cranked amp I would really appreciate it if someone would help me with this.
A 5150/6505 would be best, however any good tone will do.

This is one of the 4 songs:
Rough Mix
If anyone's willing to reamp at leeast two of four tracks per song it'd be great.
Here's one DI file for testing.
DI File

Do them with impulses while he's not around, then tell him you had Flemming Rasmussen reamp them for you at a discount price, asking him for half the cost :D
ill give it a shot still waiting on new set of vlaves for my dual rec if they come this week il use that if not il try the powerball
Sheesh! What does this guy want? Even the rough mix sounds amazing, impulses or not. I think he better concentrate on his playing and keep his mouth closed more often. :bah:
Well, he wants it to sound more real and live and there is some validity to his point, since the dynamics are not quite the same, even though tonally there's not much difference between impulses and the real thing.

actofvengence, thanks, I'd appreciate it.
Just played around with freeware plugins, all feedback is welcome (edit: added download urls and descriptions why I used them) (128kbps mono mp3, ~3mb)

Signal chain:

1 - GVST, GMulti To tame the low end a bit
* Gain: +3.0
* Low cut: 60
* Freq 1: 200
* Freq 2: 2000
* Mix: 75%
* Band 1: -35, 6.0:1, 8.0, 0.60, 0%, +3.0
* Band 2: -25, 1.2:1, 2.0, 0.20, 115%, +3.0
* Band 3: -30, 1.2:1, 1.0, 0.10, 130%, +3.0

2 - SimulAnalog Guitar Suite, JCM900 added after using wagner, with experimentation and on/off tests thought it sounded better with it
* Channel: Ch B
* Drive ChB: 5.039370 (default, 50%)
* Low: 5.039370 (default, 50%)
* Mid: 5.039370 (default, 50%)
* High: 1.338582 (~15%)
* Presence: 3.307086 (~30%)
* Volume: 8.818897 (~90%)
* Reverb B: 0

3 - Nick Crow, Wagner Sharp I added this to give the initial crunch. I noticed that no matter what I did, the "mid" didnt seem to do anything
* Default settings; Low cut at 7 o'clock, Highcut at 5 o'clock, everything from drive to volume at 12 o'clock, quality at 8.45 o'clock

4 - Togu Audio Line, Tal-Tube To give some saturation
* Default settings; Input at 10.30 o'clock, Drive at 10.30 o'clock, Dry/Wet at 12 o'clock, Output at 1 o'clock, Hard Off, Amp On

5 - Piotr Pyrzanowski, KeFIR (mono) To kill the fizz from wagner and make it sound like a real amp. I tried several impulses, I liked that one
* Guitar Hacks Impulses, JJ Powertube Impulses, GuitarHack JJ BBAE-1.wav
* Mix 50%
* Gain -8.5dB
* Length 0.03sec / 15%

6 - Christian Budde, Noname EQ To tame the high end and clean some nasties off
* Band 1: Lowcut 60.40hz 1.00 oct
* Band 2: Peak -3.30dB 107,15hz 1.15 oct
* Band 3: Peak -2.40dB 1.15khz 2.19 oct
* Band 4: Peak -2.10dB 10.74khz 0.48 oct
* Band 5: Peak -1.50dB 4.00khz 1.00 oct
* Band 6: Highshelf 2.10dB 8.00khz 1.00 oct
* Band 7: Highcut 7.10khz 1.00 oct

7 - GVST, GGain To drop the volume before the clipper
* Slider -6.0 dB

8 - GVST, GClip To tame the dynamics, especially on the "booooooom" part near 2:30
* Gain 0.0dB
* Clip 47%
* Softness 100%
* Oversample: On
^ Thanks for taking the time, but that won't do.

8 - GVST, GClip To tame the dynamics, especially on the "booooooom" part near 2:30
Actually, that's exactly the opposite to what he wants. He wants it to sound the way it sounds when you are in front of a cranked amp.

I've added the link for this song's other DI guitar: DI
Are you saying similar to your example... + or - aggressive?

Also, your DI clips do not line up. No big deal, just an observation.

and, what's wrong with your example tone, other than the way it was tracked.
GuitarGodgt, the more the better :)

Keiffer, any tone would do as long as it's good. As for the di tracks, no problem if you just reamp one part of the song I'll line up the two files (mp3 is ok for test clips, too)
To be honest, I like my tone a lot! Thing is, the guy has a lot of predjudice about my way of tracking. He actually decided to record all the guitars in another studio after we had been recording for like 5 hours but I talked him out of it.
I like the first 5150 but also the more scooped krank. What's the mic position? Could you turn up the bass and gain on the 5150 a notch? As for mic position, maybe between the dust cab and cone. There's seem to be some boxy mids (300-600hz) but I wouldn't want to sacrifice the nice midrange of the 5150. To sum up: more gain and bass, on axis, and if possible reamp the part towards the end with the "booom" :)

Thank you for all your help :kickass:
I think !Reamp_-_Shadow_Walker_5150_356.mp3 + a bit more treble is what I'm after. I would just need the part at the end of the song so that I can send a rough mix to the guitar player and see if we have a deal :)
I've exported several processed and unprocessed versions and I'm keeping my fingers crossed he'll like some of them. BTW, if you ever need reamping for variety's sake(not that you don't have a bunch of great amps) or just out of curiosity, I'd be happy to help out. :kickass:
:worship:notworthy:worship: to Keiffer for his time and efforts and for saving me a lot of headache.

Expect a 'rate my mix' thread when bass is done :)
Thanks to all who collaborated as well. :kickass: