Help needed concerning info Barcelona gig

Morticia NL.

Orphaned sister
Yup- me again. I want to go to Barcelona to see the gig. But I have about one hour ( landing around 1740, but I think in Spain it will be 1 hour later because of time difference) to get from the airport to the Razzmatazz club and I have no idea how far the travel is and where is it and how do I get there?
Could someone help me with this one? I need to know pretty fast, cause airfares change ny the minute....

Thanxxx in advance,
Hi Nathalie,

I'm not from Barcelona (I live in Murcia) and I've only been there once...
But well, I know that you have underground from the airport to the club.
he nearest stops to the club are Bogatell and Marina. I can't really tell you how much time it will take you, sorry... perhaps, 45 minutes... I don't know...

A few links that could help you:

underground map:
Sala Razzmatazz website:
Razzmatazz address: Amogavers, 122

I don't know what more to say to you.... Hope it'll help you a bit :)
Thank you very much for the info.
I checked the Razzmatazz website already, but alas there was no guide how to get there. :Smug:
I think I will manage with the info you gave me. What the hell- I am booking it :loco:
I suppose you are coming to the gig as well? Would be nice to meet up.
Well, there's a small map in the website, I think it could be a bit useful once you get the underground stop. The direct link is this one:

I'm sad to say that I'll go to Madrid :( ... It's nearer from Murcia, 5 houres instead of 8, and I have a friend who live there, so, I don't have to pay a hotel :P... Come to Madrid!! hehe :P But, I guess that you chose Barcelona because the concert is on Saturday... Madrid one is on Tuesday, a bad day... I won't go to my lessons that day and the next one (but no problem :D, it's really worth!!)... It's a pity :(, I'd have liked to say hello to you...

Anyway... have a GREAT time there, Barcelona is beautiful! Don't forget to see all the Gaudi buildings if you have the time, they are great :). And well, if it's anything more I could do for you, any question or something, just tell me!
I have something to say...


no, seriously I was cheering for barcelona because Rafael Marquez from Mexico plays there... but Madrid was way better this time.
You are so kind! :) I wish I could meet you, but alas I have to go to Barcelona :yell: because it is during the weekend. Now I only have to take one day off from work ( on monday)
I decided to fly in on saturday morning and return to Holland on monday morning, that way I will have an extra day to see the Gaudi buildings &/ or park I have been dying to see! And there are some great musea as well ofcourse.

Now all I have to worry about next is a place to stay and then everything is settled. Damn, too bad about the Madrid/ Barcelona thing......
Maybe you could introduce me to some people who will be going to Barcelona?

:wave: Nathalie
Apart from all the Gaudi buildings and museums, in Barcelona it's also very nice to have a walk by the streets of Barri Gotic and Las Ramblas, there are a lot of shops and artists around... nice atmosphere.

As for where to stay there, well, I remember I was looking for hotels and so on when I went to Barcelona and I found a youth hostel which seems to be quite nice, cheap and well located (in Barri Gotic). I didn't stay there but it may be good for you, have a look here if you want: (it's also in English :))

Hehe, I'm like a touristic guide! But no problem, really!! :)

I know nobody who's going to Barcelona :( My friends are going to Madrid too...