Help needed for Facebook OL campaign

Morticia NL.

Orphaned sister
As the hour of the ORwarriORs release onto the world draws closer, we want to draw as much attention as we can to the message of Orphaned Land as possible.
On the 25th the song Sapari will be launched on ITunes and so the Orphaned Disciples have the plan to use this opportunity to get the band even more noticed.

We have started a group on Facebook to help spread the message of unification of Orphaned Land. Here is the text explaining about the page:

Do you believe it is possible to live together in peace, no matter what's your religion or beliefs, no matter what's your country or culture?
Do you want to support that message and get it heard by others? Then join us!

This Facebook group is set up by the fanpage of the Israeli band Orphaned Land. The band has been standing for this message through their music for more than 18 years. As their singer Kobi Farhi puts it:
"All monotheistic religions believe in the same God, so how is it possible we are still killing each other? We as a band, are about the unification of everything - All Is One".

To get our voices heard, we propose to team up and get the band a massive chart rating on their song "Sapari" once it will be out on ITunes- January 25th. Let's all show them how it's done: fans from all countries, all beliefs unite! ALL IS ONE

Please help us spread the group, invite all of your Facebook contacts, put the link on your MySpace, in forums etc.
Show the force of the Orphaned Land fans, united we can do this!

If you want to get more involved, you can contact Nathalie

Click the link to go to ALL IS ONE on Facebook


People helping us by reposting the message in other forums etc,be advised that I have altered the message. We feel we needed to more strongly state we include everyone on this idea of unification.
Thank you for the support, especially Anton, Ananth, Olivier and Kenneth

Olivier, please post on your French forum? We know there is a very active community there in France.

If you wish to post in other languages, you can take copies from the disciples site. I will let you know right away when the translators there have also adopted their texts to the new ones.