Help needed, mixing/mastering


New Metal Member
Oct 2, 2014
Hi everyone. I've been composing music for a long time but got into home recording very recently. There's a few questions I'd like to ask, and would be very grateful if you could all give some pointers. I'm using Reaper at the moment, and using a Zoom G3x as the recording interface. My problem is that I just cannot get the final mix to sound..well..not crappy. Here's 3 of my last recordings.

The first one, Two to Tango, everything seems fine until the heavy sections kick in, and there's an irritating hiss and sibilance to the sound that infuriates me. Tried EQing but that just murders the attack/punch. The second one, Durga Chant is straight up thrash, but as you can's also a jumbled mess. After the first two, I got to make the third one, Fireworks, a bit better by panning and double tracking the guitar parts. However, there's still some dirty/muddy quality to the sound that I just can't shake off. Do I need some sort of noise removal plugins? Any pointers would be helpful. Thanks in advance.

Here are the tracks for reference

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Whoops! apologies for posting this in the wrong section originally. New here, so didn't really know. Thanks to the admin for moving it to the right section. I'd be glad if anyone can help or give some pointers. Cheers