HELP NEEDED to identify old metal band

dude come on, he has a full set of track ratings in his aspergers.txt wordpad file
lmao i still fucking laugh every time i watch that. it’s me with the stoned sounding laughing the first two times he says it, the higher pitched one is the other pundit though lol
I've now been listening to the cd-version from the YouTube link. It seems like the song-version I uploaded is slower than from the cd.

I can't believe I've been listening to that slow tape-copied version for 20+ years, haha. Now that I can listen to the new and faster version, it's almost like rediscover this album/band. Not sure i've ever had that experience with any other album.

Btw, I was checking Donor on - - and something tells me I might actually have seen this band live in 1990 when they were a demo-band.

A place called Huset in the danish town called Aarhus used to hold a lot of metal concerts with upcomming bands, and I'm quite sure there ones was a band named Donor. They might have been support for the danish band Invocator.

Great memories for sure.