Help On A Paper On Thrash For School


New Metal Member
Oct 29, 2005
hey guys im doing a paper for school and its gonna be on Thrash music well i need some help...about how Thrash was born and who helped out some bands that just aren't talked about enough and what not so please help thanks.
MetalGod5150 said:
hey guys im doing a paper for school and its gonna be on Thrash music well i need some help...about how Thrash was born and who helped out some bands that just aren't talked about enough and what not so please help thanks.
Where are you?? (I.E. Grad School, College, High School, Jr. High, Grade School)
how did you get a paper on this topic approved? is your teacher a closet metal head? ;)

This paper will be quite an endeavor

Most say thrash was born out of punk so you could talk about its roots that way also you can't go wrong by talking about slayer, anthrax, metallica, and megadeth. I am sure you can find many good stories.

Also try Wikipedia, it could point you in some right directions.
Don't forget to mention the NWOBHM (New Wave Of British Heavy Metal) as this had a huge part to play in the birth of thrash.
TheWhisper said:
Punk had a big role in the birth of thrash, imo.
Thraxdude666 said:
Don't forget to mention the NWOBHM (New Wave Of British Heavy Metal) as this had a huge part to play in the birth of thrash.

Both counts imo.

Pick a band like Pariah, Venom, Tank or Warfare and add some Sex Pistols, or Ramones and you'll end with thrash.

And of course you have differences in thrash Anthrax, Megadeth, Slayer, Kreator, Heathen, Coroner, Anacrusis they all represent different approaches to the same subgenre IMO.

Like Kitty said and are useful to check for bands.

NP: Stream Of Passion - 'Wherever You Are'
I always considered the mighty Motorhead to be the grandaddy of thrash bands. IMO they started speeding up the metal sound.
Mxgonzo said:
I always considered the mighty Motorhead to be the grandaddy of thrash bands. IMO they started speeding up the metal sound.

I tend to agree with that, but with Venom really tipping the scale further with "Welcome to Hell".

And, however, one can always make that case that the first speed metal songs were Priest's "Exciter" (1978), Sabbath's "Sympton of the Universe" (1975) or even Purple's "Highay Star" (1972)!
Why has nobody said that yet???? Im shocked by you guys. Overkill to the big four to the second wave in the late 80's to its revival in the 2000's with October 31, Municipal Waste and the reformations of orignal line ups by Slayer, Anthrax, and Testament. Dont forget the German scene either.
thanks everyone yea i know this would be a hard paper to do but im willing to write it the best i can and the cool thing im getting to know a bunch of new bands that i might of not heard of....thanks again also trying to build up my website with some more thrash talks if some of you guys could click on the link below and check it out that would be alos appreciated thanks again.\m/ \m/
Soul of Ice said:
how did you get a paper on this topic approved? is your teacher a closet metal head? ;)

This paper will be quite an endeavor

Most say thrash was born out of punk so you could talk about its roots that way also you can't go wrong by talking about slayer, anthrax, metallica, and megadeth. I am sure you can find many good stories.

Also try Wikipedia, it could point you in some right directions.

Yeh those bands are typically seen as the 4 main accreditors to thrash metal being born, or at least popularised. Punk definately played a pretty big role in this as well, ie black flag and minor threat. Youd aslo probably want to look at some newer aged bands that are thrashy and describe how they are correlated to the earlier thrash bands
New Wave of British Heavy Metal

Blah Blah Blah

Sacred Reich
Celtic Frost
Death Angel
Nuclear Assault

These were the best of the "Thrash" bands of the early 80's through mid 90's