Help On A Paper On Thrash For School

Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
I wouldnt consider Pantera or Celtic Frost as thrash... some other bands:

Dark Angel

Pantera was crap IMO, I never liked them I consider them the forerunners of all the modern sounds so dreadfully attached to mallcore. I know people praise Pantera a lot and this is not a personal attack but Pantera represents to me all that went wrong with metal in the 90's and led to the lost of the identity of true metal.

Celtic Frost was thrash indeed but at the same time they influenced heavily the modern BM movement (aid also by Venom, Possesed and Bathory) On the other hand I will not consider D.R.I. thrash but old school hardcore (to make a difference with modern hardcore another mallcore umbereable experience) along with S.O.D.
Dodens Grav said:
Celtic Frost was much more than Thrash. I actually might possibly consider them Speed Metal before Thrash.

The problem is that I will agree with you on songs like 'Circle Of The Tyrants' but some other songs were on a tempo much different from the ones you will encounter in Exciter, Abattoir, Zoetrope, ADX or early Sodom which I consider true speed metal bands.

I guess like in all, concepts become fuzzy depending on the eye of the listener ;)

NP: Sodom - 'Deathlike Silence'
Wyvern said:
Pantera was crap IMO, I never liked them I consider them the forerunners of all the modern sounds so dreadfully attached to mallcore. I know people praise Pantera a lot and this is not a personal attack but Pantera represents to me all that went wrong with metal in the 90's and led to the lost of the identity of true metal.
I have to agree, Wyvern, I just am not a fan of Pantera. I think mostly it is Anselmo's vocals that really grate on me. I have friends who just can not grasp my dislike for them, but, like I tell them, if you like them great...just not my thing.