Help! Purchase advice [Mark IV]


not really cuban
Nov 17, 2010
Hey guys. I saw an ad today from somebody who wants to sell his Mark IV. He asks for 980€, which sounds like a good deal (it's new 2800€-2900€ over here)... i currently own a triple rectifier, but this thing is crazy loud, but I love it's sound. but i always lived under the impression that the mark can do everything the triple can do, and on top i think i even could sell my triple recti for more than the mark would cost me. what you guys think? he wrote the mark has NOS tubes in the powersection.. are they any good? plus he said that it comes with a transformer (seems to be a 110V model, I need 230V) - is that a problem or disadvantage? anything else i have to watch out for (year it's build in?)

I never played a Mark IV but i think the sound is very different to a Rectifier.
but this thing is crazy loud
it's new 2800€-2900€ over here
Did you mix up Mark V and Mark IV?
Because Mark IVs aren't produced anymore.
Also they don't have the wattage switch the Mark V has,
so it wouldn't be a lot quieter than your Recto...
Completely different amps, you can't get a rectifier to sound like a mark and vice versa. Listen to MOP to black album MetallicA, Dream Theater, and Lamb Of God to get an idea of the Mark sound. I can't say if you'll like it or not but worth a try IMO.
I never played a Mark IV but i think the sound is very different to a Rectifier.

Did you mix up Mark V and Mark IV?
Because Mark IVs aren't produced anymore.
Also they don't have the wattage switch the Mark V has,
so it wouldn't be a lot quieter than your Recto...

Yep, your right, mixed it up, my bad. Just googled it real quick to get an idea of how much it is.

well.. i did some research myself, seems like the recti is much more popular than the mark iv, especially for metal... so i guess i'm gonna stick to my rectifier and maybe get an attenuator or something.

thanks guys
The Mark IV will be much tighter and is more midrange focused (unless you have a 2 channel Recto). Definitely different sounds, but I'm not even a fan of the Mark IV, and I'd take it over a 3 channel Recto in a heartbeat. Worst sounding amp I've ever owned was a 3 channel Triple Recto :(
Haha.. Idk, I like it :) Maybe I just have to check the Mark IV out for myself, still seems like a pretty sweet deal to me... I'm still a bit curious why there aren't many record out there with a good Mark IV sound on it...?!
Check out Olas Mark IV + V clips. Fantastic. And as already mentiones, Metallica - Black Album, Lamb Of God - ashes of the wake, sacrament, Dream theater - Images and Words (Mark IIc+) similar, Systematic Chaos all mark iv
Popularity ≠ 'better'.

well, not always, but it's a good indicator.. i know, many people will call bullshit on that, since they don't like pop music or anything, but in fact this music is better.. in terms of making money :)

what can i say.. i like what i hear in those clips (esp the ola clips and the one sn!ppet postet. thanks for that!)... i guess i just have to check it out for myself! any further opinion is appreciated, thanks guys!

ah, yeah, i received some additional details from the seller: he bought it in 1998 in LA. he replaced the spring for the hall once and currently has GE 6L6 powertubes in it.
well, not always, but it's a good indicator.. i know, many people will call bullshit on that, since they don't like pop music or anything, but in fact this music is better.. in terms of making money
so you're recording pop music with your rectifier? :P
I have a triple recto and got a mark 4 last week.
The mark 4 is tighter and more mid range aggressive.
So much so that it doesn't need a tubescreamer in front at all.
But it doesn't have that recto sag that makes you feel like a rock god when you hit a chord :-)
The MK4 is less forgiving of playing technique and is more responsive to how hard you pick.
The MK4 has a WAY better clean and crunch sound. The recto is a one trick pony but it's a great trick!

I am undecided which I prefer until I get more recordings done with the MK4.
Also my recto was very flat sounding so I cleaned the valve sockets and it jumped to life.
Before I did this the MK4 was far better sounding. Now it's great but different.
I will definitely keep both because they are very different and it's good for studio business to have them.
I plan on re-amping a Metallica cover band I recorded last year with the Recto and MK4 with same mic position on recto cab when I get a chance and will post clips.
Should get a chance next week some time.
Here is my thread from when I got the MK4.
Totally different amps, as others have said. The MkIV was my main amp for a few years and I've been playing rectifiers these past several years. The MkIV's don't have the top end sizzle of a rectifier and are smoother in the top end. You can get a little bit of a crunchier top end by putting EL34's in the outer tube sockets if it's one of the Simul-class amps and really cranking it, but it has to be pretty loud to get to that point.

They are great amps, though. Just a different flavor (flavour). ;)

As a side note, the tone controls are early in the gain stage, so they shape the tone at the input of the amp. You can set these to control how tight or flabby the distortion is, then use the graphic EQ which is later in the circuit to shape the overall tone of the amp. With the tone controls at the front end, it effectively can do what a tubescreamer would normally with other amps. So as Mickrich mentioned, a tubescreamer is not necessary with these amps. FWIW.
Oh, I might add, there's two versions of the MkIV. Rev A and Rev B. Rev A (made up to the early 90's IIRC) is not quite as aggressive in the high gain channel. Rev B MkIV's are a bit more aggressive and modern. Both sound good, though.