Help Quantizing????


Contagious Destruction
Dec 31, 2006
Im quantizing in sx3 and every time i try to quantize drums or audio It dont seem to work right?? Say i adjust the click for 200 then calculate hitpoints, adjust the grid to 1/16 start adjusting audio and when i play it back its not at 200?? what am i doing wrong?? :zombie:
Man i been doing it that way all the time
I just cant see the grid that well being its in the backround so i was tring the sample editor
Im better off just doing the drums in one take which is what i aim for hahahaha
Man i been doing it that way all the time
I just cant see the grid that well being its in the backround so i was tring the sample editor
Im better off just doing the drums in one take which is what i aim for hahahaha
change colours of the grid in the background, that helps me a little;]