Quantizing drums NOT recorded to a click?


Oct 21, 2005
Southwest Florida, USA
I was just curious if there was any real way to quantize live multi-track drums not recorded to a click in Nuendo 3...?

I'd imagine it'd be quite simple to do it with drums recorded to a click, but I've yet to mix a project recorded to one, haha.

I would also think that if say, I was able to quantize the drums that weren't recorded to a click, that everything else might sound odd and off time being as everything was most likely recorded based on the drum tracks.

I've always been somewhat flustered by Nuendo's Audio Warp and slice features as well, any good sites out there?

oh god
in pro tools there are ways round this... not fun but ways round it...but in nuendo?


Have fun, get the cofee brewer on; youll be needing it
In sonar 6 there are snap features the will start building and shifiting a tempo of your peak transit's.