Quantizing Drums

any quick guides to do it in LE 7.4?
I think BD is limited there, isn't it?
don't wanna upgrade the package just to have a fully functional BD

here we go again.!!

It is limited yes. only mono.
just tab to transient and slice across the tracks manually.
then select and open beat detective and quantize and fade.
The benefit is that beat detective does all the consolidation and fades after the edits. Then you've also got Elastic Time if you choose to use that which is much easier and quicker than even ungimped BD (at the expense of sound quality, depending on the material).

Anyone know whether PT 8 is going to have Beat Detective uncapped for LE? The track count is going up to 48, which is a relief for many.
The benefit is that beat detective does all the consolidation and fades after the edits. Then you've also got Elastic Time if you choose to use that which is much easier and quicker than even ungimped BD (at the expense of sound quality, depending on the material).

Anyone know whether PT 8 is going to have Beat Detective uncapped for LE? The track count is going up to 48, which is a relief for many.

duplicate ref tracks (for example snare)
move that out of your drum-folder (if you don't have one you should create one) and isolate hits (strip silence).
with that track highlighted hit n to go to the next event, and cut.
I've created a macro to do that, it's really the same as BD now.

I can never get this to work right. Am I supposed to have seperate reference tracks per drum? For example, the way I have been doing it, I export a track of kick, snare, and toms, and then I put it above the folder. I can barely get the strip silence to function properly, and when I do, the quantizing after 3 hours of snipping (a macro is a good idea for this) barely works and then the crossfades suck too.
I give up on quantizing.... geez, this is the worse thing ever... I've been sitting here for 1 hour and a half doing it manually, adjusting everything MANUALLY, just using Beat Detective to create the fades, nothing more, and I only got half a song done.... HALF A SONG, there are 3 songs left... oh my god this is impossible
HAhahahahhahahahaha, ain't it the truth :lol: Let this be an even bigger motivator for you to light a fire under the drummer's ass to just fucking play it right!
try Sonar´s Audiosnap multitrack features. Search Gearwire for "sonar audiosnap" in the videos section. there's a bunch of videos for sonar 6 doing multitrack drum editing. Its simple and fast.

I don't like sonar though the audiosnap features are worth it.
I just saw the videos, it looks easy yeah... just like beat detective looks easy on the videos, but that's just 3 tracks at max that they demo with a simple 4/4 straight beat, obviously that's dead easy... when you get 10 drum tracks and a bit more complex drums it's a pain :|
But that will change the pitch of the audio :X I'm saying this because I'm really new to Protools, I understand most things very easily but don't know how to work with elastic audio, and that really sounds it will change the pitch so won't it be noticed specially on the overheads and room mic?
[UEAK]Clowd;7805490 said:
Does anyone else hate with a flaming passion the way you have to quantize drums in cubase? It takes forever to do, it never works right (at least for me), and it is giving my carpal tunnel.

select track - Advanced - detect silence (might be add silence, can rememeber), get the thres and pre/post times right then just quantise once you have done it for the tracks you wanna edit.
Samplitude Pro v10 has a very good AudioQuantize function that works over multiple tracks and tempo changes.
But that will change the pitch of the audio :X I'm saying this because I'm really new to Protools, I understand most things very easily but don't know how to work with elastic audio, and that really sounds it will change the pitch so won't it be noticed specially on the overheads and room mic?

Elastic audio doesn't mess with pitch, only time.
Still... I decided to just quantize the really bad parts, the other ones aren't as bad although a bit sloppy but I won't mind... I refuse to do this... it's the most time consuming thing ever... and it's not my job in the 1st place... the drummer should've known better : p