E-Drum Quantizing Question


New Metal Member
Apr 24, 2009
2 questions guys. Sorry if they have been answered before but I have been reading stuff on here for like 3 hours and am about to start tracking a new project.

Question one: When you are quantizing e-drum parts played through vsts, do you quantize the midi and then bounce or do you bounce and then quantize?? Quantizing the midi seems like the cheap way out and when I read things, for example Sturgis talking about quantizing, it seems much more complicated then moving midi around. Maybe it depends if you are using real cymbals or not??

Also..reading all about quantizing, i understand how to group and all that stuff. But if you are just nudging kicks and snares around, doesn't that affect what is heard in the overhead and room tracks? for example if the kick and cymbal are off..how do you compensate for that???

About to start using SSD platinum 3.5..pretty excited about it but just now realizing i don't get .gogs or .wavs, which really sucks. is it possible to make my own??? how many velocity levels do the .gogs have??

Thanks guys, you all rock. long live metal...
edit the MIDI, that's what it's there for! slip editing is for tracked real drums. if you're tracking the MIDI from an e-kit, just edit the MIDI and don't bounce til you're totally all done.