Quantizing samples to unquantized drum?


Giggity Geschmougen
Oct 31, 2007

The situation

So... i'm mixing a band, they gave me the recorded tracks and i want to replace the drum sound with samples (but still wish to mix in the original drums). The thing is, that i dont want to quantize the original drums because they are quite tight.

I'm mixing with PT LE 8

The problem

So i put Drumagog on a snare copy track and play it with the original (delay/phasing occures)...then i tried to bounc this drumagog track to another track to align it with the first original snare hit...but then still the triggered hits are off at some points...

The Question

How can i make it work? :\

i own drumagog, slates trigger, and even apatriga (wich i dont use anymore). but i usualy dont waste time with setting up those plugs. i let them work in "live-modus" to have less latency problems, than i bounce the track, and go through each hit to let them sit on the right place. "tab to transient" is a great helper in pro tools for that.

sometimes i dont have to do much by hand. especialy when its a simple but well played drum.
if it comes to more complicated drum tracks, i am even faster do breaks and stuff like that by hand than to automate those plugins.

they are pretty usefull though since i have different hits wich are placed randomly, and i cn have several samples at one time with slate trigger for example.
