Quantizing Drums

Editing blows - ProTools makes it blow less, is my experience. Though one could also argue that it's due to ProTools that all bands are wanting their shitty takes edited to perfection too..

seems to be a common occurance in my world... im having a crazy drum session with the tempo changes.. drums were recorded in a different arrangement than then final recording was recorded to... alot of chopping and very time consuming considering there are 16 mics for 3 differnt tempos, and triggers.... lifes fun right about now. just thought ide vent...bonus to working on a bunch of other projects. i wish i could have an assistant full time for just prep work...
someone needs to make a video of editing drums in logic 7 as an example of torture.

Dude, setting up DFHS is a nightmare in Logic for me. Have you done it before? Maybe I'm just an idiot, but I can't seem to get it right.

It's so bad that they had to create a video tutorial showing people how.

Grrrr, I really want a different DAW.

I find drum quantizing far easier in Logic than most other programs (PT is king here).

If you are using Toontrack stuff in Logic 8, its super easy too.

Make a MIDI instrument track, choose your sampler, and multi outputs

Open the mixer, click the little + arrow at the bottom of that track, and it will make new outputs

Then route the samplers mixer's outs into these tracks and you are sorted.
I find drum quantizing far easier in Logic than most other programs (PT is king here).

If you are using Toontrack stuff in Logic 8, its super easy too.

Make a MIDI instrument track, choose your sampler, and multi outputs

Open the mixer, click the little + arrow at the bottom of that track, and it will make new outputs

Then route the samplers mixer's outs into these tracks and you are sorted.

You are using a sample plugin to use DFH?? Maybe I'm misunderstanding you or something.

I'm using Logic 7, and I need to usually create an environment, copy and paste instrument tracks, open DFHS on a master track, then assign the outputs to the individual tracks.

Hmmm, maybe there is an easier way! It sucks, because I like everything else about Logic.


You are using a sample plugin to use DFH?? Maybe I'm misunderstanding you or something.

I'm using Logic 7, and I need to usually create an environment, copy and paste instrument tracks, open DFHS on a master track, then assign the outputs to the individual tracks.

Hmmm, maybe there is an easier way! It sucks, because I like everything else about Logic.



except for editing features and no sample accuracy and the retarded way the snaps and moving and cutting work logic is awesome. i realize its a big part but im so used to the whole like workflow and environment i can't switch even to 8.

machinated how you figure L7 is best for editing next to PT. i'm not talking about midi (where logic is king) i am talking about editing multiple acoustic drum tracks.
Sorry I think you mis understood - I'm using L8 :)

have you used 7? if so how big is the editing ability upgrade??? i have been meaning to pick up 8 for a while but just see no point since i have no issues except illogical audio editing. most people complain about the "floating" interface of 7 but i quite like it as i use the screensets and floating windows to my advantage and work quickly with pretty much everything except audio edits. so if you have experience in both i would appreciate the input as i am probably going to get 8 eventually.
I only used 7 a little bit and a while ago, but I find 8 way easier to use (maybe because I was less experienced with 7?). I think your workflows won't be changed (e.g. with the screensets), although I love being able to access something quickly by tapping a shortcut (e.g. mixer or inspector).

I remember a while ago looking at the updates in v8 and I'd say its worth going for (even just for the improved sound engine, better compressor etc). I think you'd enjoy quick swipe comping too.....
yeah i worked with 8 for a bit at someone else's studio and the comping was cool feature. i don't care for the compressors and stuff as i use aftermarket plugs anyway but just for the editing alone i am going to get it soon. thanks for your input.