Help reamp box advice.


Jul 16, 2008
Is it OK to connect an unbalanced Aux out into the balanced in of a re-amp box ? Obviously theres the issue of a 1/4 " to XLR to deal with but more concerned about it not coming from a balanced source . Here I am trawling around looking for the right gear and I dont even have any balanced outs on my DAW for reamping my D.I'd tracks .
Any opinions would be great .
Its a D32 XD 32 track Korg DAW .
Its not cheap but probably not Ideal either from a reamping stand point.
I have tried reamping with it though as it has in built Attenuation and 4 pre / post fader 0 db capable Aux sends designed for external gear they dont appear to suffer from noise or ground problems .
If the balanced send is only concerned with noise then I think im OK .
What do you recon? is there another way to balance the signal between the Daw and the reamper or should I just connect it up ?
should be fine, just make sure you use pretty much as short a cable as you can get away with.
Line level is alot more robust than instrument level reagrding noise and guys run 20-30 feet of cabling between their guitars and amps all the time live and they're unbalanced,