Help the retard.

The Grimace

New Metal Member
Oct 21, 2004
North of the Valley, South of the Hills
So I just d/led DC++, installed and all, and for the last few hours I've been stumbling around like a drunk monkey, hitting my head on corners and whatnot. I'm on Soulseek usually, and this is not so much the same. Somebody give me a quick tutorial, since their 'Help' sucks ass. It's funny, this is just like when I went from Kazaa to Slsk way back when, I feel like 9-year-old doing advanced math.

Help me, fockers!
Go into settings, give yourself a name'n'shit if you haven't already done so, go to the sharing tab and share all the stuff you want to allow people to upload (+ open slots, that says how many people can download from you at one time), then go to the public hubs list and either type in hubs manually or bring up the main hublist and use the filter to find specific hubs, then enter the hubs, then you can use the search option to find stuff, easy as pie don't you think? :) Note that some hubs have rules such as '2 slots per hub open' or 'share 20+ GB'.
^ what GoD said. Share some stuff (as much as you can). Then you can either search through the public hub list and pick one's that look good, try to go with hubs that have more users (obviously), or you can search through this forum to find some metal hub addresses (they've been many posts about it), and then paste the address directly into dc. Once your connected to a few hubs, open up the search option, do a search, and then pick users that have free download slots and a decent connection. If your looking to get full albums, right click on a user and select "get file list", then you can grab entire albums of people easily, plus you can see how fast there connection is before you bother downloading of them. Read each hubs rules carefully or you may find yourself getting kicked/banned. Some hubs will get funny if you don't have enough slots open or have too many hubs open at once. Save hubs to your favourites for future use, if you want them to load up automatically when you restart, go into favourites and put a check in the box next to the hubs name.
It's usually best to join the hubs with the highest user counts, then also join some specialist hubs like the Deathnap ones, Sublevels or ANUS.
It's very varied, everything from 500MB to 125GB. There's a "min share" column on the public hubs list though, so you can see before you enter.
Yeah, just add some of the metal hubs to your favorites and use those. There are several topics here with big lists of them, if you search. is down.

Some of the ones I've used: (down at the moment)

The titles of the hubs have nothing to do with what's shared, it's just metal. Add the hubs you like to your favorites list and you'll connect automatically when you start CD++.
This one is quite good too.

You should also try get active mode working, passive is really lame.
ænimated said:
This one is quite good too.

You should also try get active mode working, passive is really lame.

1. how
2. why?

I run passive mode, and i dont see a problem with it. I thought it was more to do with your computer web security set up - i.e. what you are able to run with what firewalls and so forth you have up.
sikth said:
If your looking to get full albums, right click on a user and select "get file list".

I tried doing about 17 of these last night, and I didn't get anything useful from a single one. Just "timed out" or whatever. Is that normal, like the "error getting list" thing on Slsk that happens even when they're obviously connected?
It's not normal, no. I suggest using the search though, like I said before. You can download specific albums far more easily that way, I find.
Your problem is likely that your firewall isn't configured to allow DC to listen as a server, or you're behind a NAT device (like a router) without active mode configured correctly.

If the problem is the former, then just give your DC client unlimited access with whatever firewall you use. If it's the latter, then it's a little more difficult.

You've two choices; you can either go into passive mode, or configure active mode correctly. If you go in passive mode, then you can only download from active users, and your searches have to go through the hub as opposed to searching directly.

It's best for you and the rest of the network if you configure active mode correctly :) I'm bored, so I'll write a guide for you.

You'll need to go into your DC client's settings. I use fulDC, a variant of DC++, but yours should be pretty similar.

You'll need to know your external IP address (try this site to find it out). Type that in the IP box, and then pick a port - I use 9176, but you can pick any one above 1024 and below... 65435 I think it is. Don't hold me to that though.

So, your settings should look like this:

Next, you need to configure your router. This varies wildly between make and model, but try this site for details. All you need to do is forward the port you chose (such as 9176) to your internal IP address; you can find this out by going to Start -> Run and typing "cmd /k ipconfig" without the quotes. You should be presented with a box that looks like this:

In this case, my internal IP address is, so I need to forward port 9176 to that address.

If that's all too overwhelming for you, you can just go into passive mode, but it's certainly worth the effort to get active mode working correctly, for both your sake and the sake of others who wish to download from you.

Hope it helped :)
misfit said:
1. how
2. why?

I run passive mode, and i dont see a problem with it. I thought it was more to do with your computer web security set up - i.e. what you are able to run with what firewalls and so forth you have up.

1. Follow the steps I just wrote
2. It enables you to download from more people, more people to download from you, and it doesn't lag the hub every time you search for something.

Naturally some people can't configure active mode, if they're on university connections for example; but if you can, you've no excuse for being in passive mode.
Yes. If you can, it's very definitely worth it to do active mode. You just go into the router configuration and set it to allow the port you set for DC++ to go through.