Help ! To much bass (death metal guitar)

How does it sound to you without that excess bass ?

  • Good sound

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Bad sound

    Votes: 4 80.0%

  • Total voters


I hate that supercow !
Dec 27, 2005
Hi 8)

Can you please download this short clip and eq out bass frequencies to make the clip listenable on it's own (without any bass guitar underneath), on your monitors and tell me the correct eq / hipass or downward compressor settings.

I don't have proper monitors to do it myself (only crappy 10$ headphones :cry: )

And tell me if it sounds good to you after the eq.
Ok I dowloaded the file and I think ther isn't to much bass on the guitar, ther is a strange effect in a gate, remove it.
Tachy said:
like a gate, remove it.
Oh you mean A GATE ! I missed it the first time :lol:

I think that i have to use a gate because without it my EMG707+heavy bottom strings sound too muddy when i try to do palm mutes ( if i press hard enough and far enough from the bridge to mute them correctly the note becomes too sharp maybe its because my palm is not soft enough or maybe it's because i'm a shitty :ill: player )
Sinister Mephisto said:
A gate won't help that if I know what you're talking about. Maybe you need a multi band comp or a limiter.

Without a gate i get a sound like "jooooommmmmm" and if i use one i get a normal "joom joom joom". (j like in a name James)

I don't know maybe i strum too hard (after 10 years of powerlifting i think i have a very heavy hand).
Without a gate i get a sound like "jooooommmmmm" and if i use one i get a normal "joom joom joom". (j like in a name James)
Try a tubescreamer or the SD-1 like said before ;)
Yes try an od pedal, but I think that with the emg 707 is difficult to give muddy sounds, yes you nedd a good comp...