HELP, tracking musicians who can't play?


New Metal Member
Jan 15, 2007
I'm currently recording a musician in a band who's music is technically beyond his abilities to play cleanly/consistently. We have spent the past 2 days redundantly recording takes and we are about 4 riffs into a single song. This cannot go on. We have been punching in and cycle recording as small of a section as 2 bars at a time, and he just cant get a good take... What can I do? I just want to be done with this. Is it possible to track one note at a time? Any other tips? Thanks!
I'm currently recording a musician in a band who's music is technically beyond his abilities to play cleanly/consistently. We have spent the past 2 days redundantly recording takes and we are about 4 riffs into a single song. This cannot go on. We have been punching in and cycle recording as small of a section as 2 bars at a time, and he just cant get a good take... What can I do? I just want to be done with this. Is it possible to track one note at a time? Any other tips? Thanks!

Welcome to the wonderful world of making records.

A few tips that may or may not help.

1- have someone else track it (seriously)
2- track it yourself (seriously)
3- track it in the smallest increments possible, then edit it.
4- Try tracking the song a few bpm slower, then editing to the right tempo. It sounds like this guy has no feel so you'll be doing him a favor.
5- have someone else track it.

I know I'm kind of being a dick about the someone else thing, but seriously 2 days and 4 riffs in one song isn't even laughable. It's just wrong. If you can't at the very least complete the main rhythms on AT LEAST 1 song in a day, there's a major problem.

Ultimately my suggestion is to either do something behind their back to get it done, or come right out an have a discussion about it, or say "who gives a fuck" and keep going.

Chances are if a band sucks so bad they can't finish one song, no one is gonna hear the record and say "god who recorded this?". They'll say "well that sucked".

hope it helps.
If someone wanted to record with me or my assistant and they were that bad, I would honestly just tell them that they are not ready to record and tell them to come back when they are ready. I have never had this happen personally, but my time far to valuable to waste on something like this.
If someone wanted to record with me or my assistant and they were that bad, I would honestly just tell them that they are not ready to record and tell them to come back when they are ready. I have never had this happen personally, but my time far to valuable to waste on something like this.

+ one billion! Amen to that!
Also, if there's another guitarist, get them to do it. Same player on each side sounds tighter anyway (..AJFA).