Recording drums, need some help!


New Metal Member
Sep 5, 2008
Leuven, Belgium
Hi guys,

I'm having some problems with recording drums, so i hope you guys can give me some tips or alternatives to fix this!

So i'm recording our first demo; progressive death/thrash.

We started recording drums with an electronic drum kit (midi) with the alesis DM5 drum module.

Problem 1: The bassdrum pad isn't big enough to use double bass.
Problem 2: Not every note gets triggered right with fast drum rolls.

So we just tried to record it at a slow tempo (120 bpm / original 200 bpm) to make sure every note is triggered right, and it's midi, so you can play with the tempo just as much as you want. But no, playing songs so slowly, when you're used of playing them at 200 bp, that doesn't work. You have to be a walking metronome to do that.

We could mic his real acoustic kit, but then we'll be recording in a room that hasn't got any acoustic treatment, and we don't have good drum mic's, préamps, gates etc to do that.

If we would do it like that we can off course use a program like drumagog to resample every hit. But won't that give the same problems as with the alesis dm5 module? Will every note get triggerd right? He's doing some very crazy and fast drumrolls, so...

The best thing i can think of is to hire a 'high-end' electronic drumkit, will that make a big difference?

Anyway, share your thoughts on this one!

Best regards!
Here are a couple of options. Both will require some manual editing.
1.Draw the notes that are not right in yourself.
2.Drumagog it, pipe that to a midi channel and then manually edit the notes.
(When Drumagoging I would keep your cymbals as an electric kit.)

For many of us Drums are the most difficult part of recording. They take alot of time and patience.
fuck with the sensitivity and shit on the dm5. at first i was unable to trigger fast rolls with it. fucked with sensitivity and velocity, and changed the height of the trigger on the drum. (i trigger an acoustic, bit dif than electric kit) for the kick, maybe get a cheap redshot trigger, and use your drummers bass drum??
how come the pad isn't big enough to use a double pedal? I've never heard of that being a problem..