I was speaking to Lasse about how to achieve a decent guitar tone, I'm new to real amps and cabs. He was kind enough to help me out, and let me post the transcript here. Some of it is pretty specific to the project I'm working on, but a lot of it is general stuff that some of you will find useful I'm sure. Not to derail Greg's thread, but rather one consolidated 'guitar tone' thread than a whole bunch of them.
Tone I got
Tone I'm referencing (someone else did this on the forum, ages ago, I'm pretty sure its a powerball on one side, and something else on the other)
Hey man
[Lasse Lammert]
You got a few minutes to discuss all things guitar?
im just getting some food.. I posted this here which has a clip of the guitars I recorded
[Lasse Lammert]
can't really listen right now, hardware in use by PT
ah ok
It's not a TERRIBLE guitar tone but its not great.. and it's less about the EQ and more about the tone
I think it may be the room, how much of an influence does that have on the sound?
[Lasse Lammert]
quite a bit actually, especially in tight places
its not a tight place at all
[Lasse Lammert]
sometimes moving the cab just a bit can make a big difference
especially in the low mids
which sometimes can be muddy and wooly in smalll rooms
The room SHOULD be decent
It's big, open, not parallel, but the floor is solid wood and the walls are pretty bare
The whole tone sounds a little distant and cloudy
[Lasse Lammert]
well, in bigger places you won't have that muddynes sproblem so much
using an ENGL powerbal -> engl 4x12
[Lasse Lammert]
ha, well...what do you expoect me to say

"distant and cloudy" describes the tone of a mic'd PB to the t
that's why I hate it so much
The dude was getting an SE670 but isn't anymore ><
[Lasse Lammert]
treid that amp a million times, aleays with the same results
sounds alright live
but hates the mic
So i'm pretty much fucked?
[Lasse Lammert]
there's always reamping
Yeah I can reamp, or even software amps I can get sounding pretty damn good now
But I was hoping to be a real engineer for once, lol
[Lasse Lammert]
better be a real producer and tell the guitarist to bin that amp
fuck lol
Maybe I can convince him to get the SE670 again
I've heard some dgood tones out of that
[Lasse Lammert]
what style of music is it?
kinda industrial melodic djent
hard to describe
not run of the mill metal by a longshot
[Lasse Lammert]
well, the 670 isn't the worst amp for that
I like the sound of rectos
But it's not my money, so it's up to me convincing him to buy it
How's the ENGL cab, btw?
[Lasse Lammert]
a bit fizzy, but not bad
how many dongs?
[Lasse Lammert]
ye just an EP
[Lasse Lammert]
I'd have offered to reamp for free if it's just one song, can't do it for 4 tho
yeah I understand
Maybe I'll get four different guys to reamp it for free XD
[Lasse Lammert]
hehe, yeah
I'll FB you the link to the guitar tone, and another mix which I heard on UM that I'm pretty sure was done with a powerball that to me sounds decent
[Lasse Lammert]
krank could work as well
It's still a little harsh in the upper mids, but if I could get that I'd be happy with it
[Lasse Lammert]
active or passive pups?
I've got no idea actually
I'll have to ask him
but yeah, it's less about me not knowing what sounds good, and more about not knowing wtf to do to make it sound better
[Lasse Lammert]
send me the backings and the DI s to one of the songs so I can try somethgin
We haven't actually started recording yet, only will be in a few months, but he's got some demos that I'll get off him
[Lasse Lammert]
yeah, I understand that....been there myself a couple of times with the powerball
It's not just the powerball.. the last and only time I mic'd up an amp..
[Lasse Lammert]
always ended up reamping with something else
4 years ago, line 6 amp, $300 guitar
[Lasse Lammert]
sm57 at the front, beta52 at the BACK of the open amp thinking it sounded good
[Lasse Lammert]
well, can't really go wrong with an sm57 in front of a v30
yeah that's what we're using now
I found it pretty easy to find a good mic position
Does it make a huge difference where on teh circumference of the cone you place it?
Not sure if I've worded that well.. but moving it towards the centre of the cone makes it fizzier, away less
[Lasse Lammert]
well, it doesn make a difference, but it's not massive
Does keepin git the same distance from the centre but moving it around the cone make a difference?
and angle to the speaker
just perpendicular?
[Lasse Lammert]
if you angle it a bit you'll get rid of some of the fizz...I'm mostly straight on though, perhaps a TINY bit off axis...like 15degr. or so
Just sent you a msg with some links that you can listen to when you get a chance and are out of PT
[Lasse Lammert]
only doing that if I wanna get rid of some more fizz without moving ot further away from the center though
Fizz wasn't a problem at all tbh
I don't mind a bit of fizz, but the clip I've got has very little
It's just the whole thing sounds messy
Do you think recording in a smaller, deader room would help?
[Lasse Lammert]
yeah, couldn't descibe the powerball more accurately
Tbh it sounds from the clip like there's a lot of reverb and shit going on from all the bare walls
[Lasse Lammert]
well, see if a blanket or somehting helps
oh and one more thing
master volume?
[Lasse Lammert]
thrown over the cab/mic
What do you usually set that to? And can you judge the tone @ master volume 1 if the final thing will be amped at 4?
[Lasse Lammert]
the best sounds I got from the Powerball were in channel 3 with gain around 10:00
no, that will make a huge difference
the louder amp with "breath" more
How loud to go?
[Lasse Lammert]
bit less than rehearsal room volume
but play around with the channel volume and master vol
some amps like the master louder than the channel, some the other way rounf
to get rid of mus it often helps to have the master a bit lower
hmm alright
I hate when there's two knobs that do similar things
like pregain/postgain
Never know what to do, and they sound so similar haha
[Lasse Lammert]
not similar at all
pregain on the 6505 means "distortion", post gain means "volume"
I was referring to onqel's new ampsim
[Lasse Lammert]
but yeah, the channel volume and master volume are similar
it's got input, pregain, postgain and output
[Lasse Lammert]
hah, yeahyou'll just have to play around in that case
really differs from player to player and amp to amp
on the krank for example I usually have the master around 3:00 and the channel vol around 9:00
on the bogner it's the other way out
Ok well thanks for all this
[Lasse Lammert]
I'll try it all out next time I'm there, try and convince him to get a different amp, lol
[Lasse Lammert]
yeah ;9
If you could take a listen to the clips in the msg I sent that'd be great.. maybe it's far worse than you're used to for a powerball
maybe its exactly right in which case I'm screwed lol
Alright I'll cya round
[Lasse Lammert]
k, will let you know
do you mind if I post this on the forum? Some of the stuff might be really useful to other guys in my position
[Lasse Lammert]
sure, go ahead
Talk to you later
thanks a gain
[Lasse Lammert]
no worries