So I got redwirez impulses after hearing how amazing they are, but I am having trouble figuring out what I am doing wrong... I open up Guitar Rig within Reaper, load a preamp (for example the rammfire one...don't even know if I need to do this or not...), then I load up LeCab within Reaper, and browse to the folders where all the impulses are at in my documents/mixir2/library/..etc. and select one. (all the files are named the same thing too so how the hell am i supposed to know which to choose...)When I play guitar now it just doesn't sound that amazing and I'm sure that I am forgetting a step or something. And now I am noticing that redwirex has its own VST plugin that I can I am just very confused, and I have tried reading all the FAQ for impulses on this forum and still can't figure it out.