What Impulses are you using?

I'm liking Sp's Framus V30 impulse right now...it really cuts through the mix well, worked well for me so far.

Less cutting, but a bit more mellow is the awesometime impulse I recently got from a thread around here....still has more clarity than the ENGLV30 higher presence impulse I use a lot for rhythm.

I don't know, your mileage may vary.

Thank you man !
I'll try'em.
I've always used Brohymn's impulses in conjunction with one or two of the ones I made (linked in my signature). I'm more into creating them than using them, although I'm terrible at both of those things. My impulses aren't so good by themselves.
I like the guitar hacks final 1 and the orange ones mick from trackmix posted a few weeks ago.
I never really like the Engl hgher pres one but I'll go back and give it another spin since so many of ye dudes are using them.
I use mine with Wagner mk I, Solo C and an Engl e530.
Just bought the Recabinet stuff and I really like what I heard in a first test. There are a lot of very useful and good sounding impulses (although I only like the SM57 versions as of now) which suit my needs better than the free ones.
Guitar hack´s impulses are still to day my favorite ones, to me they´re better than recabinet´s impulses from kazrog, which i find a bit dull in comparison (GH impulses have something more going on in the high end spectrum ..i think)